Tamásné Szigeti Andrea financial manager Nyíregyháza Municipality Hungary Interested in Lead a project +4
Marco Benoît Carbone Associate Professor University of Cagliari Italy Interested in Lead a project +4
Mehmet Guney Celbiş Research Associate Professor Université Lumière Lyon 2 France Interested in Lead a project +2
Ailish McCormack Business Analyst Innovation & Management Centre Limited (WestBIC) Ireland Interested in Lead a project +3 1 project
Filip Zaevski Elson Solutions DOOEL Skopje Republic of North Macedonia New country Interested in Lead a project +2
Alice Menegatti EU Project Manager Metropolitan City of Bologna Italy Interested in Lead a project +4 2 projects
Andrijana Bojadjievska Danevska Assistant professor International Balkan University Republic of North Macedonia New country Interested in Lead a project +4
Snezana Bilic Vice Rector for Research and Projects Меѓународен балкански универзитет Republic of North Macedonia New country Interested in Lead a project +2
Natalia Giussani Roguljic Administrator La Ressourcerie du Spectacle France Interested in Lead a project +2
Ana Filipovic Senior Advisor Chamber of Economy of Montenegro Montenegro New country Interested in Lead a project +4
Neliswa Mthethwa PhD student Budapest University of Technology and Economics Hungary Interested in Lead a project +4
Benjamin Freidenberg Development Manager Aaron Institute for Economic Policy, Reichman University Israel Interested in Lead a project +4