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Tourism4SDG welcomes new Discovery Partners

By Project Tourism4SDG

The Regional Council Durres from Albania and the Municipality of Sokobanja from Serbia are joining the Tourism4SDG project as discovery partners. Their involvement will deepen and expand Tourism4SDG's collaborative efforts, contributing to a comprehensive interregional learning process.

The Regional Council Durres, which oversees the municipalities of Durres, Kruje, and Shijak, has a strong background in sustainable economy and tourism. The Council is committed to enhancing regional tourism sustainability through innovative technologies and processes, aiming to boost the competitiveness of SMEs in the tourism sector. The Council will leverage its extensive experience in managing EU projects to engage in valuable learning and exchange of experiences. While not directly addressing a policy instrument, the Council will establish a local stakeholders' group to integrate and disseminate project findings, thereby supporting the project’s overall goals.

The Municipality of Sokobanja, known as the “Green Heart of Serbia”, is a leading tourist destination committed to the sustainable development of tourism based on a green economy and cultural heritage. Sokobanja will explore and adopt innovative practices and methodologies, actively engaging in knowledge transfer activities. The municipality will establish a local stakeholders’ group focused on Zajecar District, involving key tourism actors in the region, ensuring that the good practices learnt are disseminated at a regional level as well as in other municipalities in the area. Sokobanja focus on sustainable tourism aligns effortlessly with the objectives of Tourism4SDG, and its extensive experience in strategic planning will further ensure the region's tourism sustainability activities are in line with SDG 12.b.

Both discovery partners' involvement will bring comparable data on tourism sustainability and support strategic decisions that foster successful and measurable outcomes in sustainable tourism. Tourism4SDG warmly welcomes the Regional Council Durres and the Municipality of Sokobanja to the partnership and looks forward to achieving our shared goal of advancing sustainable tourism.