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RESIST: Innovation Projects Open Call

By Project AccelerateGDT

The RESIST Innovation Open Call provides detailed information about a specific practice aimed at supporting European SMEs, start-ups, and mid-cap companies in the Mobility, Transport, and Automotive (MTA) ecosystem.

Problem Addressed and Context:

    • The practice addresses the need for more sustainable production tools in the MTA ecosystem. This need arises from the challenges of ecological impacts and the necessity for economic success and resilience in the face of market changes and crises.
    • The context triggering this initiative is the broader goal of green and digital transition within the MTA sector, focusing on reducing ecological impacts and improving resilience.

How the Practice Reaches its Objectives and Implementation:

    • The practice aims to reach its objectives by providing financial support to eligible companies for implementing innovation projects. These projects involve improved technologies and processes in production, emphasizing ecological impact reduction.
    • Implementation involves two Open Calls for proposals, allowing beneficiaries to submit their innovation project proposals. These projects should focus on one of three key challenges: optimized digitalization, greener production systems or products, and renewable energy innovations in production lines.

Main Stakeholders and Beneficiaries:

    • The main stakeholders include the European Commission (which provides the funding mechanism), and the RESIST Eurocluster partners, which are clusters and administers of the program.
    • The primary beneficiaries are European SMEs, start-ups, and mid-cap companies in the MTA ecosystem. These entities receive financial support to develop and implement their innovative projects, with individual applicants receiving up to €20,000 and consortiums receiving up to €90,000.
RESIST Innovation Projects Funding