Image Connected ICONIC Intermodal CONnection for an Inclusive and Climate-friendly mobility Ongoing Sustainable mobility
Image Smart PERSIST Perpetual and Sustainable Implementation of Smart specialisation Transformation Ongoing Research and innovation capacities
Image Citizens Rural COOP Rethinking sUstainable and integRAted deveLopment in non-urban areas: COOPerative foresight and anticipation Ongoing Integrated non-urban development
Image Green Better Blue Open collaborative governance for climate change adaptation and sustainable lifestyle by the sea Ongoing Climate change
Image Green CHESS Cities Hub for Environmental Sustainability Strategies Ongoing Zero-carbon urban mobility
Image Citizens EUMINDA How to recognise, balance and repair Mining Damage on societies and the environment in the EU Ongoing Integrated urban development
Image Governance ForYouth Finding new ways to engage, connect and empower youth Ongoing Policy governance
Image Green INCLUDES Promoting Just and Inclusive Mobility Policies in European Regions Ongoing Zero-carbon urban mobility
Image Green PRHyUS Promoting Renewable Hydrogen Utilization for a Sustainable and Greener Europe Ongoing Renewable energy
Image Social RESPECTS REligious, Spiritual and Pilgrimage European Cultural Tourism with Sustainability Ongoing Culture and sustainable tourism
Image Smart SHARPEI Strategic Harmonization and Advanced Reporting for Policy Enhancement and Insights Ongoing Digitisation
Image Green SPARK Smart Planning for Agile Urban Mobility Solutions Ongoing Zero-carbon urban mobility
Image Social SportsCom Strengthening the effectiveness of COmmunity sports for heath resilience in the framework of REgional policies Ongoing Healthcare
Image Smart CSRDatSME Increased competitiveness of SMEs through valid sustainability reporting Ongoing SME competitiveness
Image Green EURADAPT Improving regional policies at EURopean level to increase ADAPTation to climate change Ongoing Climate change
Image Smart InnoCoop InnoCoop – Enhancing policy instruments fostering innovation-oriented business cooperation of rural SMEs Ongoing SME competitiveness
Image Governance INTEGRA Integrated territorial strategies for sustainable transition Ongoing Policy governance
Image Green NATUREM NATUre-based REMediation solutions for Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) contamination Ongoing Biodiversity preservation