Our team
See who is working on which project aspect and get in touch to find out more about our work.
Overall management and strategy including technical assistance budget, programme committee management and regulations requirements, information technologies, administration.

Erwin Siweris
Programme Director
Erwin is responsible for overall programme management and liaison with the programme's governance institutions (the Partner States, the Hauts-de-France Region as managing authority, the European Commission etc.). Erwin also manages the programme's secretariat and its team.

Laure Lesec
Senior Administration Officer
Laure supports the management team with human resources, the technical assistance budget and its activities, and coordinates the joint secretariat's administrative support.

Elodie Courcoul
Senior Administration Assistant
Elodie assists the management team. She is responsible for office logistics, public procurement related to IT & office equipment, travel, and accommodation. She also assists with organising of events and provides secretarial support.

Alexandre Hryszkiewicz
Senior IT Officer
Alexandre is responsible for developing the programme’s online application and monitoring system and provides IT support.
Finance and audit
The finance and audit team’s responsibilities cover all financial aspects related to the projects, platforms, technical assistance and the programme in general. They range from advising project lead applicants and lead partners during the whole project life cycle, i.e. during application, implementation, payment and closure stage. The finance team also supports the group of auditors and the audit authority in all audit related matters, especially the sample checks on operations. It also contributes to the reporting to the European Commission by preparing the reports on financial, control and audit matters for the Managing Authority and the programme’s Monitoring Committee.

Petra Geitner
Head of Unit - Finances & Audit
Petra is responsible for both the overall financial management of the programme and project finances. She also supervises the team's financial control and audit tasks.

Anne-Cécile Renard
Coordinator - Programme Finances
Anne-Cécile coordinates tasks related to programme finances, such as reporting to the EC, programme cash flows, the management and control system description, and state aid. She is also responsible for coordination with the managing, certifying, and audit authorities, especially in relation to the annual closure of programme accounts.

Ilaria Piazza
Coordinator - Project Finances
Ilaria coordinates the team's project finance tasks throughout application, implementation, and closure stages. She has also been involved in studies related to simplification and state aid matter.

Aleksandra Niechajowicz Dell'Ambrogio
Senior Finance Officer
Aleksandra's responsibilities include supporting applicants and project partners as well as assessing applications and monitoring project finances. She also provides product-owner input to the development of the Portal, the programme's online application and monitoring system.

Alexis François
Senior Finance Officer
Alexis' responsibilities include supporting applicants and project partners as well as assessing applications and monitoring project finances.

Camille Milloir
Senior Finance Officer
Camille's responsibilities include supporting applicants and project partners as well as assessing applications and monitoring project finances.

Vincenzo Capocasale
Finance Officer
Vincenzo's responsibilities include supporting applicants and project partners as well as assessing applications and monitoring project finances.

Anne Rocheteau
Finance Officer
Anne's responsibilities include supporting applicants and project partners as well as assessing applications and monitoring project finances.

Ségolène Jean
Finance Officer
Ségolène's responsibilities include supporting applicants and project partners as well as assessing applications and monitoring project finances.

Rūta Ročāne
Finance Officer (maternity leave)
Rūta's responsibilities include supporting applicants and project partners as well as assessing applications and monitoring project finances.

Ana Sladic
Finance Control & Audit Officer
Ana supports the Partner States, their project partners, and first level controllers with the implementation of their first level control system. She also assists the members of the group of auditors and the audit authority. Her work focuses on facilitating project audits and assisting project partners with the process.

Alison Morrisroe
Finance Officer (maternity cover)
Alison's responsibilities include supporting applicants and project partners as well as assessing applications and monitoring project finances.

Foedora Braconne
Senior Projects & Finance Assistant
Foedora ensures the secretarial and administrative support to the project and finance units. She also assists with organising meetings and events.
Projects and platform
The team’s responsibilities range from advising project lead applicants and lead partners on content related matters, assessing project proposals, and monitoring running projects. The team is also in charge of the overall coordination, development and follow-up of the policy learning platform.

Nicolas Singer
Head of Unit - Projects & Platform
Nicolas manages the projects unit and oversees the platform development. He is responsible for all programme content-related matters.

Jason Martinez
Coordinator - Projects
Jason coordinates the tasks of the Policy Officers in relation to project development, project assessment and project implementation. He also contributes to the Policy Learning Platform's work.

Magdalini Anagnostou
Coordinator - Policy Learning Platform
Magda is responsible for the overall coordination and management of implementing the Policy Learning Platform. She coordinates the tasks of the Policy Officers and the work of the external experts commissioned to set up and provide the Platform's services.

Ana Mihaljevic
Policy Officer
Ana's responsibilities include supporting applicants, assessing applications and monitoring projects achievements. She also monitors the Policy Learning Platform's work.

Kristaps Ročāns
Policy Officer
Kristaps' responsibilities include supporting applicants, assessing applications and monitoring projects achievements. He also monitors the Policy Learning Platform's work.

Laurenţiu David
Senior Policy Officer
Laurenţiu's responsibilities include supporting applicants, assessing applications and monitoring projects achievements. He also monitors the Policy Learning Platform's work.

Ilaria Ramaglioni
Senior Policy Officer
Ilaria's responsibilities include supporting applicants, assessing applications and monitoring projects achievements. She also monitors the Policy Learning Platform's work.

Verena Priem
Senior Policy Officer
Verena's responsibilities include supporting applicants, assessing applications, and monitoring project achievements. She also monitors the Policy Learning Platform's work and provides product-owner input to the development of the Portal, the programme's online application and monitoring system.

Charo Camacho
Senior Policy Officer
Charo's responsibilities include supporting applicants, assessing applications and monitoring projects achievements. She also monitors the Policy Learning Platform's work.

Etienne Rodzinka-Verhelle
Policy Officer
Etienne's responsibilities include supporting applicants, assessing applications, and monitoring project achievements. He also monitors the Policy Learning Platform's work.

Mariame Ammour
Policy Officer
Mariame's responsibilities include supporting applicants, assessing applications, and monitoring project achievements. She also monitors the Policy Learning Platform's work.

Diane Bulon
Policy Officer
Diane's responsibilities include supporting applicants, assessing applications, and monitoring project achievements. She also monitors the Policy Learning Platform's work.
The communication unit ensures that the right organisations know how they can benefit from the programme, disseminates good policy practice widely, and provides advice to project partners on communicating their activities.

Irma Astrauskaitė-Denis
Head of Unit - Communication and Contact Points
Irma coordinates the tasks of the team (5 members), is responsible for the programme's communication strategy and its implementation. In particular, she is responsible for public relations, partnerships, and reporting.

Petra Polášková
Senior Communication & Evaluation Officer
Petra's responsibilities include implementing the communication strategy and coordinating the activities of the programme's contact points. She also advises project partners on communication issues and provides input for project monitoring procedures.

Julie Patenaude
Communication Officer
Julie's responsibilities include implementing the communication strategy, particularly the Interreg Europe website. She also advises project partners on communication issues and provides input for project monitoring procedures.

Hannah Gore
Communication Officer
Hannah's responsibilities include implementing the communication strategy, particularly the social media accounts. She also advises project partners on communication issues and provides input for project monitoring procedures.

Marie Soucasse
Communication Officer
Marie's responsibilities include implementing the communication strategy, particularly programme events and advising project applicants and partners on communication issues.

Lisa Gheysens
Communication Intern
Lisa supports the communication team with the implementation of the communication strategy. She provides assistance with social media, the website and administrative tasks.
Policy Learning Platform
Interreg Europe has commissioned a multilingual team of thematic and communication experts to set up and operate the Policy Leaning Platform. They will support the regional practitioners and policymakers around Europe by providing a helpdesk for policy advice and by facilitating peer-learning, good practices and knowledge sharing, networking and partnering.
Policy Learning Platform experts

Marc Pattinson
Thematic Expert - Smarter Europe
Marc Pattinson has over 25 years' experience in helping regions prepare their regional development and designing research-innovation and S3 strategies, promoting interregional cooperation actions, working with clusters and performing policy analyses.

Arnault Morisson
Thematic Expert - Smarter Europe and Europe closer to Citizens
Arnault has a PhD in Economic Geography from Utrecht University and the Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria. He is expert in regional innovation governance and innovation policies. He is responsible for validating good practices and contributes to the production of articles and policy briefs for the knowledge hub. He also answers requests for policy advice via the expert support helpdesk.

Laura Varisco
Thematic Expert - Smarter Europe
Laura has experience in regional economic development and innovation. She supports the management of different EU-funded collaborative projects and has been working in a local public authority to implement cross-border cooperation projects and strategies. She is responsible for validating good practices, providing tailored policy advice and supporting the organisation of platform events.

Rene Tõnnisson
Thematic Expert - Smarter Europe
Rene has more than 20 years of experience in innovation management and business development. He has held executive management positions in several public and private sector organisations helping SMEs to increase their competitiveness. Recently he has been acting as an investor and board director of different business acceleration programmes and startup investment funds.

Luc Schmerber
Thematic Expert - Smarter Europe and more Social Europe
Luc has over 20 years of experience in the design of business support ecosystems on behalf of regional public authorities and business support organisations, with a focus on entrepreneurship and cluster organisations. He has also gained experience in working directly with SMEs on improving their competitiveness.

Mart Veliste
Thematic Expert - Smarter Europe and more Social Europe
Mart has experience from projects related to innovation ecosystems, SME competitiveness, inter-cluster cooperation, and smart cities. He is also a representative for the Estonian contact point for the Enterprise Europe Network. On the platform, Mart is responsible for validating good practices and writing policy briefs and organizing thematic workshops and webinars.

Erik Gløersen
Thematic Expert - more Social Europe
Erik has over 20 years of experience in regional development policies and holds a PhD in human geography and planning. His work focuses on sustainable development in areas with geographic specificities such as sparsely populated areas, cross-border regions and outermost regions. He has also worked on the design, implementation and evaluation of Cohesion Policy programmes.

Katharina Krell
Thematic Expert - Greener Europe and Connected Europe
Katharina Krell has 20 years of experience in the areas of renewable energy, energy efficiency, smart cities and circular economy. She is specialised in supporting the uptake of results of EU-funded projects in form of policy recommendations, good practices, technologies for commercialisation or knowledge for further research.

Simon Hunkin
Thematic Expert - Greener Europe and Connected Europe
Simon Hunkin has eight years' experience in the low-carbon economy sector, working in projects and studies to support uptake of innovative low-carbon technologies and policy instruments. He is specialised in European energy and environment policy, as well as regional policy and funding and co-operation initiatives.

Astrid Severin
Thematic Expert - Greener Europe and Europe closer to Citizens
Astrid is a senior expert with over 25 years of experience in regional development policies. She has a track record in circular economy, renewables, biodiversity, climate adaptation and nature-based solutions. Astrid has authored several studies and policy papers and leads the organisation and implementation of peer reviews, matchmakings and interregional policy learning events.

Magda Michaliková
Thematic Expert - Greener Europe
Magda has a MSc in Environmental Assessment and Management (University of Liverpool) and an MBA (Copenhagen Business School). Magda has experience in areas related to circular economy, waste management, green strategy development and sustainable food systems. Magda is responsible for validating good practices, producing articles and policy briefs for the knowledge hub and organising thematic workshops and webinars.

Thorsten Kohlisch
Project Manager
Thorsten leads and manages the overall implementation of the Policy Learning Platform. He holds responsible for the day-to-day coordination of the platform team and supports the personal development of each team member. At the same time, he works closely with the management of the programme, fostering and facilitating the strategic development of the platform services.

Elena Ferrario
Senior Thematic Manager
Elena is the senior thematic manager for the Policy Learning Platform. She coordinates all activities performed by the thematic experts and is responsible for the Platform quality standards. She supports the project manager in the strategic development of the platform.

Antoine Duquennoy
Thematic Manager
Antoine is thematic manager for the Platform. He ensures the quality control of the platform services and supports the coordination of all Platform activities. He contributes to the strategic development of the platform.

Karine Hakobyan Gevorgyan
Platform Administrator
Karine provides administrative support to the team and assists in organisation of meetings. She also supports the Project Manager and the Thematic Manager on quality management issues.

Lotte van Meijel
Web and Community Expert
Lotte coordinates web developments within the Policy Learning Platform and acts as a helpdesk for the platform users. She is also in charge of community management of the Policy Learning Platform and contributes to other communication actions.

Vladimir Sestovic
Communication and Partnerships Expert
Vladimir is in charge of the strategic communication activities for the Policy Learning Platform. He is also responsible for the thematic partnerships and promotion actions.

Valentine Dufaye
Events and Social Media Expert
Valentine is in charge of the Policy Learning Platform's onsite and online events. She also manages social media posts and contributes to other communication and promotion actions.

Mario Vadepied
Platform Assistant
Mario is the assistant of the Policy Learning Platform and supports the team in the areas of administration, communication and thematic content. He also supports the Platform’s online and in-person events.

Eline Derks
Policy Learning Platform intern
Eline is currently pursuing a degree in European Studies at Zuyd University in Maastricht, the Netherlands. She is joining the Interreg Europe Policy Learning Platform team for her graduation internship.