Your project’s relevance
We support interregional cooperation projects working on innovative policy solutions to local and regional development issues.
Is Interreg Europe for you?
When we assess project proposals, we look for organisations that are:
- Involved in regional development policies;
- Looking for new solutions;
- And ready to work with partners from other European countries.
The projects we approve bring together policy organisations from at least three different countries in the 27 EU member states, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland and Ukraine. For four years, they learn from each other and work together on a shared policy issue.
The lessons they learn lead to the improvement of regional policies and a more sustainable economic, social and environmental impact on the ground for the people and the regions they serve.
Try out our assessment tool before you apply.

The self-assessment tool
Use our tool to make sure your project idea is relevant to our programme.
The programme manual
The programme manual is the main document for project developers who wish to understand the rationale behind interregional cooperation projects.
Programme manual.pdf
2021-2027 Interreg Europe programme manual and its annexes. Version 4, December 2024. Click Ctrl + F5 if you still see version 3.