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Participants of an event raising hands during a plenary

Apply for the call

Let us take you through each step of the application process and see how to fill in the online forms.

In the 2021-2027 programming period, we allocated our budget through open calls for project proposals. The information below helped you complete the online application process.

Call for projects

All our funds have been committed. We are not planning any more open calls during the 2021-2027 programme.

person navigating throug interreg's europe website

Submit your application

Get access to the Interreg Europe online portal and fill in the application form. 

Discover the call-related events you will be able to attend to get answers to your questions about the call for proposals.

Points of contact of our 36 Partner States organise information days to present our programme and its key features in local languages, when possible.

We participate in many of these national or regional events to meet you and answer your question about the programme and the call.

Submit your questions on any aspect of Interreg Europe’s call – application pack, the application process, budget considerations, partnership concerns – whatever is on your mind!

We'll gather your questions through the registration and on the spot, and answer them during this online session.

The dates for the third call Q&A sessions were:

Four webinars to help you prepare your project application were hosted on:

The recordings are available on each page.

Our interregional cooperation forum marked the launch of our third call for project proposals. 

Planning to apply? Looking for project partners? Searching for tips or inspiration for successful cooperation projects? Interested in meeting people from different regions all across Europe? Then #europecooperates was for you. 

You can watch the recordings of the event and catch up with what you missed.

Event website

Develop your project idea

We recommend you take the time explore our project assistance tools before you apply for funding.

Get help and support

Applicant news and events