Project results
Get an insight into the policy changes and results achieved by our interregional cooperation projects all across Europe from 2014-2020.
Our 258 projects are working hard to bring policy changes to their regions. We've described a few so that you can go deeper into each story and find out what they achieved and how they achieved it.

30 stories from 30 countries
Read about our latest achievements and discover 30 stories about policy changes from 30 projects in 30 countries.
Regional policies improved
Our projects have closed their activities. By the end, they had:
- Held over 16,000 policy-learning events;
- Identified over 5,800 good practices - close to 3,200 were validated for the good practice database by our experts;
- Increased the professional capacity of over 22,400 people engaged with them thanks to their activities;
- And had developed 1,701 action plans for their regions.
See more about our 2014-2020 programme
Policy learning activities bring results
During the 2014-2020 programme, our projects influenced 1,290 policy instruments, including 633 Structural Funds operational programmes.
We estimate that the financial impact of this influence is 1.474 billion EUR in total (1.186 billion EUR from Structural Funds). That’s much more than our own budget (359 MEUR). This funding has been allocated in the regions to finance activities inspired by the projects' exchange of experience.
These results also show that Interreg Europe directly contributes to a more efficient implementation of the Cohesion Policy. Why? Because investment in solutions tried and tested in other corners of Europe saves the time of regional policymakers. It makes the use of the financial resources available in their regions more efficient.
Download a list of policy changes
List of policy changes reported by Interreg Europe projects approved in 2014-2020.
All regions can benefit
Close to 90% of NUTS 2 regions from all eligible countries are involved in our cooperation projects. Download the following maps to see how many partners come from your region and our full list of projects.
Map - Europe cooperates - 258 projects - 2020.pdf
A map of cooperation across European regions
Map showing the interregional cooperation of 2014-2020 projects representing four topics in six thematic objectives.
Other useful project databases

Keep project database
Browse the largest database of cross-border, transnational and interregional cooperation programmes in the EU.

Kohesio Open Projects
Explore the European Commission's project information portal for regional policy.