Programme structure
The Interreg Europe programme is managed and supported by a number of different bodies responsible for administering the programme and assisting projects. A clear organisational structure ensures that funds are spent in the best way possible.
Organisation overview
Learn more about the programme's different bodies.
Full details of the role and responsibilities of each programme body can be found in the Cooperation programme.
Internal bodies
Monitoring committee
The monitoring committee (MC) is the central decision-making body for the programme and its overall task is to ensure the quality and effectiveness of the programme's implementation. Project applications are approved (or not) by the monitoring committee.
Each country involved in the programme (27 EU member states, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland and Ukraine ) is represented on the committee and decisions are made by consensus. The MC meets on a regular basis, twice a year.
Download the list, procedure and decision notes
MC members list.pdf
List of Interreg Europe Monitoring Committee members.
Monitoring Committee rules of procedure
The rules of procedure of the 2021-2027 Interreg Europe Monitoring Committee, dated 4 June 2024.
Audit authority / group of auditors
The audit authority is assisted by a group of auditors comprising representatives of each partner state.
Accounting Body
The Accounting Body is the body responsible for making payments to projects and submitting claims for funding to the European Commission. For Interreg Europe, the Accounting Body is the POM East Flanders.
Managing authority
The managing authority (MA) is the body formally responsible for managing the programme on behalf of the participating partner countries. It is the MA that signs the subsidy contracts on behalf of the programme with the selected projects. The managing authority for Interreg Europe is the Hauts-de-France Regional Council, France.
Public facing bodies
The public facing bodies are the joint secretariat and each country's points of contact, who work directly with applicants and project representatives.
Joint secretariat
The Interreg Europe secretariat carries out the day-to-day operational administration of the programme, including publicising funding opportunities, supporting applicants, evaluating applications and monitoring projects, as well as managing the technical assistance budget etc. It also assists the other programme bodies with their tasks. It is staffed by an international team based in Lille, France.
National points of contact
Interreg Europe involves 36 partner states – 27 EU member states plus Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland and Ukraine. Each partner state has one more more national or regional representatives who can provide programme information in local languages.
Points of Contact's list_1.pdf
List of Interreg Europe Points of contact
All partner states support the programme implementation by:
- Checking the eligibility of partner status
- Checking the relevance of the letter of support's signatory
- Providing specific national information
- Providing a point of contact for potential applicants
- Widely disseminating programme information
- Organising national or regional events to inform or disseminate, aimed at project partners or first level controllers.