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To Dreambig, you don’t need to go far

By Project AccelerateGDT

Manufacturing SMEs companies share challenges around talent shortages which impact their ability to grow and scale. Full employment means potential employees have numerous options, so manufacturing firms must work hard to make their sector appealing.

Dreambig led by the ATIM cluster, responds to the skills challenge of the manufacturing sector, to inspire, engage, and support young people (aged 15-17) to pursue advanced manufacturing as a career. The programme creates awareness, provides practical experiences, and creates pathways to learn about the practices of manufacturing SMEs in their region.

DREAM (Digitalisation, Robotics, Engineering, Automation, Manufacturing) encapsulates all facets of manufacturing in an engaging and innovative manner. The program's tagline, "To dream big, you don’t need to go far," highlights the abundant opportunities for fulfilling and high-level careers within numerous organisations in the Midlands Region of Ireland.

Dreambig industry programme provides students an opportunity to engage in two experiences:

Dreambig – Industry Week

Allows 80 students immersive placements in 16 partner manufacturing SMEs annually. To gain an understanding of industry processes, technologies, and work culture. Students visit 5 companies in their locality and each afternoon they engage in a hands-on key technology workshops delivered by Technological University of the Shannon (TUS) and other outreach professionals.

Dreambig Immersion Programme

 Dreambig 4 Innovation

An engaging student-empowered, teacher-led, industrial manufacturing micro-modules for second level students, which align with existing curriculums and focus on: Digitisation, Robotic Systems, Engineering Practices and Advanced Manufacturing.

Dreambig brings together key stakeholders, educational institutions, industry partners, and local government, to drive change in talent attraction. By fostering close collaboration, the program ensures curriculum aligns with industry needs, making it a powerful tool for regional development.

 "Claudia Soncin of the TCI Network emphasises the critical role of the Dreambig programme in addressing talent shortages across Europe. 'Dreambig offers a scalable solution to talent deficits that, if left unresolved, will impede our continent's growth and scalability. Dreambig not only fills immediate gaps but also builds a sustainable pipeline of skilled professionals essential for Europe's future competitiveness and innovation.'

Modules designed by Dreambig offers an authentic STEM learning experience via the use of technology/engineering methods. Modules incorporate industry partners testimonial videos detailing employees varied STEM career pathways, providing real examples to inspire students whilst increasing SMEs visibility as potential employers. Dreambig formally recognise teachers' role with formal CPD certification. Schools are provided with a toolkit of hardware to support module delivery. 

Dr. John Hobbs highlights the Dreambig programme as a model of excellence within the Accelerate GDT initiative, stating "Dreambig exemplifies best practices in talent attraction and development through collaborative efforts involving cluster organisations, industry, and all partners. It demonstrates how collective action in sectors like manufacturing can effectively mitigate talent shortages, leverage resources, and maximise impact."

Caitríona Mordan, ATIM Cluster Manager highlights the "Dreambig programme focuses on cultivating connections and creating a supportive ecosystem so students can become aware of and access opportunities right on their doorstep. After all, to dream big, you don't need to go far."

Stakeholder highlights:

Dreambig Stakeholders

Atim’s 2023 student-survey 27 students (15 females, 12 male) found agreement that Dreambig:

  • improved their problem-solving skills (92%),
  • inspired them to pursue a career in advanced manufacturing (100%)
  • outlined the variety of career opportunities in manufacturing (72%)
  • helped secure summer work with placement firms (30%)

Starting in November 2024, the Dreambig Immersive Programme will expand significantly by partnering with 16 industry leaders and directly engaging 80 students. Additionally, the micro-module programme will reach another 5,000 students. All partners, along with County Councils, have committed to funding the Dreambig initiatives from 2024 to 2026. This investment will enhance student engagement and attract more participants by providing an educational experience that empowers students and supports teachers.

This holistic approach aims to boost the number of young people considering manufacturing as a viable and rewarding career choice. The success of Dreambig illustrates its potential for transferability to other regions. Through adaption to local contexts, other regions can replicate this model to enhance their own talent attraction and retention efforts.

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