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Toward the new Metropolitan Strategic Plan 2024-2026

By Project AccelerateGDT

On Wednesday the 27th of September at 4 pm the launch event of the participatory process that will lead to the writing of the new Metropolitan Strategic Plan for the 3-year period 2024-2026 will take place in the headquarters of the Metropolitan City of Turin.

During the first part of the event, the Metropolitan Councilwoman – Sonia Cambursano – and the Director of the Economic Development Department – Matteo Barbero – will present the guidelines for the drafting of the new plan, describe the monitoring system of the actual plan and depict the steps of the participatory process that will take place between September and December, focusing on the engagement strategies designed.

In the second part of the meeting a round table, moderated by the Councilwoman Sonia Cambursano, will give voice to the territory, in order to encourage the sharing of long-term perspectives and development priorities.  For each of the six strategic axes of the current Plan a local stakeholder will relate its point of view on the possible future development scenarios and bear witness to some important projects realised as concretisations of the current strategies.

A moment of plenary discussion will follow, to collect from all the relevant stakeholders of the territory more observations, ideas, needs or questions about the updating of the plan and the participatory process.

The Metropolitan Mayor Stefano Lo Russo will be present too, to launch this intense period of co-planning and sharing, aiming to the definition of a territorial development project promoting a balanced, inclusive and sustainable growth for the whole metropolitan territory.

The Metropolitan Strategic Plan is the policy instrument selected by the MCT to be impacted by the project AccelerateGDT.

For any further information, please contact: [email protected]
