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Vienna Workshop - Initiating Green Transformation for SMEs

By Project AccelerateGDT
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Clusters need fast knowledge integration to support the economy in the green and digital transition

The Workshop ‘Initiating Green Transformation for SMEs: Cases and Challenges’ took place at aws (Austria Wirtschaftsservice). aws is a funding agency that provides financial funding for green and digital business development and innovation coaching. In cluster organizations aws is integrated as a provider for financial and coaching services. The workshop comprised different cases and challenges that SMEs need to face in the green and digital transformation of the economy.

The Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology introduced the Austrian FTI strategy in which research, technique and innovation are key elements to support the green and digital transition which will lead to innovative solutions and strengthen the Austrian economy.


The presentation ‘Enhancing SME Competitiveness: Leveraging Cluster Policies for the Twin Transition’ was held by Technopolis, which already conducted different cluster studies on national and European level. The outcome was that transformation demands a collective approach because leveraging clusters can significantly accelerate SME growth via knowledge sharing and skill enhancement. At the same time, clusters need to import new knowledge because the digital sector is growing fast and sustainable strategic goals are already on the agenda of the EU and trickle down to national politics and economy.  

Sustainable Food Systems Initiative

The Food Systems have to face different sustainability challenges. Therefore, aws developed the ‘Sustainable Food Systems Initiative’. Sabine Pümpel introduced the new Initiative and especially pointed out its approach:  services to foster an enabling environment and manufactured matchmaking as an essential pillar to leverage the monetary funding within the initiative.  The Food Cluster Upper Austria will closely work together with “aws Sustainable Food Systems Initiative” in the “service activities” and will integrate them in its cluster structure to support the Upper Austrian Food Systems.

Business Upper Austria comprises eight different clusters (automobile, cleantech, IT, plastic, mechatronics, medical technology, building innovation and the food cluster mentioned above). The cluster structure was introduced by the CEO Werner Pamminger as well as the innovation network ‘New Energy for Industry’ (NEFI). In NEFI projects research institutes, cluster organizations and renewable energy providers work together to bring clean energy to industry. The Business Upper Austrian Cleantech Cluster, NEFI, political institutions and funding agencies will collaborate to implement clean energy in Upper Austrian high-intensive industries (e.g. steel production). Upper Austria pursues the strategic goal of a decarbonized industry in 2030 and wants to become a showcase region for decarbonized energy intensive industries.


The Lower Austrian business agency ecoplus implements the region’s innovation ecosystem programme by managing four clusters with 535 members in total (green building, food, plastics, mechatronics), four technopoles (specialized research, education & technology centres) and the platforms for green transition & bioeconomy and health technology. Simone Hagenauer, European project manager, introduced collaborative projects initiatied in the Green Building Cluster fostering nature-based and circular solutions for the construction sector. The Austrian network Bioeconomy Austria managed by the ecoplus Platform for Green Transformation & Bioeconomy, was shared as a best pratice example for cooperation of regional, local and national innovation actors.

For further information on the Good Practices presented at the workshop - please consult the Good Practice page on our website https://www.interregeurope.eu/accelerategdt/good-practices

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