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4th Project Meeting in Budapest, Hungary

By Project BIOWIND
4th BIOWIND Project Meeting - Budapest Hungary

On Tuesday the 11th of February, the Hungarian Partner of the BIOWIND project, Central Danube Development Agency Nonprofit Ltd organized the 4th Project meeting in Budapest. The meeting was conducted on-site at Rumbach Conference Room of the Hotel Memories Budapest and virtually using ZOOM.
The meeting focused on finalizing the content and format of the peer review process, providing validation regarding a set of policy improvements, criteria and the evaluation procedure of the working groups. Aim of the process is for the partners to assess and develop policy changes and report the policy improvements in their territories, by the end of 2025. 
The policy improvements are categorized in five broad policy areas which prevailed during the initial analysis: 
            a. Community engagement and public participation
            b. Regulatory and governance reforms
            c. Environmental management and biodiversity protection
            d. Socioeconomic and financial support mechanisms
            e. Planning and capacity development.
The partners discussing comments and recommendations while using collective analysis procedures shall assist and cooperate with one another to report policy improvements in each case. 

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