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By Project CHEERS4EU

The CHEERS4EU-project started on 1 April 2024. It’s the first Interreg Europe-project that wants to accelerate the transition to a circular economy in Europe by focusing on Circular Hubs. A Circular Hub is a unique geographical location where talent, knowledge and experience, facilities and the necessary space are available to realize innovation and upscaling in the circular economy.

The kick-off of CHEERS4EU is scheduled for May 6-8, 2024. All partners will then meet in Maastricht (the Netherlands) for the official start of the project. See the event-section for more information.

The project
The next three years, the partners will be working together to find new solutions to challenges and issues related to the three building blocks of a Circular Hub:

• Multi-helix collaboration

• Circular value chains and business models

• Social impact


They will do this by exchanging good practices and experiences with each other, at an interregional level. After all, transition problems that occur in one region may already be solved in another.

By exchanging good practices, the structures of circularity in general and of Circular Hubs in particular in all EU regions can be strengthened.

Project goals

The aim of CHEERS4EU is to identify what is key in forming and exploiting a Circular Hub in a specific regional context. The project enables the participants to successfully integrate experiences and policies from other regions into their own regional policies. In addition, other European regions and governments will also be able to use the knowledge and experience gained within this project to design a Circular Hub in their own region.

This approach strengthens coherence in a circular approach within the EU and contributes to accelerating the transition to a circular economy across Europe.


There are seven partners working together within this project. These partners represent regions in the Netherlands, Finland, Spain, Portugal, Austria, Denmark and the Czech Republic. More detailed information about these partners can be found under 'Contacts'.



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Circular economy
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