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Cherry Midterm Communication Event in Udine

By Project CHERRY

The midterm communication event of the European project "CHERRY" took place on 24th June 2024, as part of the conference "Enhancement of cultural places through the Friulian language and culture", in Palazzo Mantica in Udine.

During the event Elena Mengotti presented project's progress, including its scope, achievements, and the upcoming pilot action that will be carried out in Friuli Venezia Giulia Region. The pilot action will play a key role in the socio-economic development of the regional territory and for the improving of the CCI sector.

The event has been an important step to highlight project's benefits for local stakeholders and share key information of the project and the pilot action with cultural and creative sector operators active in the territory, with the aim to foster their participation during the implementation of project’s activities.

For more information about the Project, click here or subscribe to the dedicated social regional FVG channels.

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