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Combined event for Cherry Shareholders by Region SUD

By Project CHERRY

Region SUD organized an event on June 26, combining the Mid-term communication event, local study tour, and the third local thematic workshop. 

For this occasion, Region SUD invited 9 regional Shareholders (music, digital arts, ICC projects incubator, cultural heritage, contemporary art) to the FRAC (Regional Fund for Contemporary Art) – Cité de l'art contemporain in Marseille.

Region SUD provided an update on the activities carried out this year as part of the CHERRY project, including feedback on the study visits and the good practices proposed by CHERRY's European partners. The participants were very interested in the different projects from the European partner territories. A fruitful discussion and exchange regarding Pilot Action 2 also took place with the Stakeholders.

The day concluded with a visit to the exhibition "Exploits, masterpieces", which is currently taking place at the FRAC – Cité de l'art contemporain; the exhibition explores the relationship between art and sport through more than 350 works and nearly 100 artists - French and foreign - where fascination, criticism, and humour coexist.

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Cultural heritage