Little and unknown floral masterpieces - phase 2
What: A citizen participation event created as part of CIBioGo
Where: Potenza city and municipalities (Italy, Basilicata region)
#awarenessraising #children #schools
One of the main objectives of CIBioGo is to boost citizen participation in biodiversity governance and to make the communities more aware of the value of biodiversity with its ecosystem services.
Because of the issues expressed above, a floral exhibition targeted at children has been created in the Lucanian territory. Its action plan consists of using photos representing the spontaneous floral species of the territory as a didactic and innovative approach to reach and sensitize the local community (especially the primary and secondary schools) and to make it more aware of the environment with its flora and fauna.
After the enormous success of the first phase concluded at the Natural History Museum of Vulture with more than 350 participants including children and adults as well, the second phase of “Little and unknown floral masterpieces” officially started last week.
During this phase, the Province of Potenza (LP) along with Miko Somma, who is the owner of the exhibition, will continue its work of dissemination of CIBioGo and its activities of awareness raising among the local community on all those issues expressed above.
Click here if you want to know more about it!
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