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PONGOV CREeIAMO PA Conference for climate change adaptation

By Project CIBioGo

The Province of Potenza, Lead Partner of CIBioGO, has been invited to present its experience and ongoing initiatives (including local, regional and international cooperation activities) at the PONGOV CREeIAMO PA Conference for Climate Change adaptation organised by Italian Ministry of Environment, Rome, 18 July 2023.

An overview of the CiBioGO Interreg Europe initiative has been provided by illustrating the general and specific objectives of the project and its ambitions with particular regards to the citizen participation policies and actions in biodiversity and ecosystems governance. Ephasys has been stressed on the importance of a interregional cooperation and on the high level quality of the CiBioGO's partnership for dealing with so strategic challenges for the future of our respective regional development.

The Italian Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security (MASE) contributes with its activities to the achievement of the objectives of adaptation to climate change defined in the Paris Agreement of 2015, in the European Union Adaptation Strategy and in other relevant acts of source international, community and national.

To this end, it has long since included specific activities aimed at disseminating, strengthening and supporting at regional and local level, the culture, planning and implementation of adaptation to climate change, also by allocating resources to it.

Since 2018, various of the aforementioned activities have been carried out as part of the initiatives of Intervention Line 5 "Strengthening of administrative capacity for adaptation to climate change" of the #pongov project CReIAMO PA Skills and networks for environmental integration and for the improvement of PA organizations that are aimed at supporting the recipients of the project - mainly the Regions and Local Authorities) - in strengthening their administrative capacity on adaptation to climate change.

Linea's main commitments consisted of:
– in the transfer of skills in terms of adaptation in favor of the recipients of the Project;
– in the creation of a network of contacts belonging to regional and local administrations involved in planning, implementation, as well as in the transfer of knowledge and skills on the subject of adaptation;
– in the elaboration and dissemination of methodological documents to support the recipients of the Project in the path towards adaptation on a regional and local scale;
– in promoting discussion, mutual support and the sharing of good practices.

The initiatives of Line 5 have made it possible to reach and involve all the Italian Regions and Autonomous Provinces in the Project activities as well as a large number of Metropolitan Cities, Provinces, Municipalities and other Bodies, developing an extensive network of administrations active on the national territory theme of adaptation to climate change. Numerous administrations have also formally adhered to the activities of Line 5 by signing a specific "adhesion letter".

The Conference therefore intends to create a synthesis and sharing of the activities carried out and the results achieved, presenting the results of Intervention Line 5 both within the CReIAMO PA project and in the more general framework of the activities on adaptation to climate change of the Directorate General USSRI – Sustainable Use of Soil and Water Resources of MASE.

Above all, this event intends to represent an important moment of encounter for the "community of practice" that has grown up around the objective of developing the actions, including innovative ones, to which the Public Administration is called to deal with the current and expected effects and impacts of changes climatic.

In this dynamic perspective, the Conference has been followed by a Technical Roundtable dedicated to the presentation of the experiences gained by Regions, Autonomous Provinces and Local Authorities in relation to some fundamental moments of the process of adaptation to climate change.

Citizen engagement
Climate change
Local public authority
Protected areas
Regional policy