Thematic Webinar 3 - Summary
The 3rd thematic webinar on enhancing stakeholder cooperation in supporting communities to develop biobased circular economy took place on 21.5.2024, hosted by the City of Mechelen. The webinar gathered experts from various European countries to share their expertise on the topics of separate biowaste collection from households and companies, how to transform food waste into food aid and what is the potential of bio-based side streams in cities. From the presentations we learned that there are a lot of existing good practices and with some effort we can adopt those in other regions across Europe. To do so, legislation is necessary, but it is not sufficient. Communication and awareness campaigns and the sharing of information in participative trajectories are ass important. Economic incentives and disincentives can also help, but most of the success is achieved when stakeholders are working together. From regional government agencies, cities and municipalities, waste agencies, NGO’s, citizens to students and minority groups. The circular bioeconomy needs to be there for everyone and can’t leave anyone behind. Listening and bi-directional communication are key to make it work.