Stakeholders meeting in Elk City on September 10, 2024
The first meeting of the Local Stakeholder Group was held in Ełk (Poland) on September 10 2024 at 10:00 AM CEST at the Environmental Education Center and was an introduction to the subject and scope of the project.
The meeting was opened by the Deputy Mayor of Local Government – Mirosław Hołubowicz and Anna Jaskuła - director the office of the Association of Municipalities Polish Network "Energie Citès".
The meeting consisted of three lectures given by:
- Iwona Korohoda from Association of Municipalities Polish Network "Energie Citès – "Ełk is a signatory of the European initiative Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy",
- Katarzyna Brawiak from the Association of Municipalities Polish Network "Energie Citès - "Decarbonization of the healthcare system in the hospital "Pro-Medica in Ełk - Daphne project: Decarbonization of the healthcare system in the EU region",
- Krzysztof Wilczyński from the Ełk City Municipality – "Actions of Ełk City to reduce CO2 emissions by 2020 (SEAP), current status and direction of changes".
The participants of the meeting were very interested in the topic, expressed their willingness to join the project and take part in the preparation of the Elk SECAP development. They also expressed their readiness to take further actions aimed at reducing carbon dioxide emissions in the healthcare sector.