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Digitalisation on Mayotte: Challenges and Opportunities

By Project Digital Islands
Digital islands jellyfish

Mayotte, a unique and vibrant region located in the Indian Ocean, between Madagascar and the coast of Mozambique. Governed by the Departmental Council of Mayotte, we are committed to fostering development and improving the quality of life for our residents through innovative digital solutions. 

Geography and Demographics 

Mayotte consists of two main islands, Grande-Terre and Petite-Terre, along with several smaller islets. Since becoming a French territory in 1841, Mayotte has evolved significantly. It was designated as an overseas department in 2011 and gained European Outermost Region status in 2014, making it an integral part of the European Union. 

With a rapidly growing population of around 360,000, Mayotte boasts the largest European maternity ward, with approximately 11,000 births per year. The youthfulness of our population—55% under 20 years old—presents both opportunities and challenges in education, employment, and infrastructure. 

Economic and Social Context 

Mayotte's economy is relatively underdeveloped compared to mainland France, with a GDP of 11,579 EUR in 2022 versus 38,816 EUR in France. The economy primarily relies on agriculture, fishing, and an expanding tourism sector. However, the region faces high unemployment and significant infrastructural challenges, particularly in water supply, sanitation, transportation, and healthcare. 

Immigration, particularly from neighboring Comoros, adds to the social and economic pressures. Despite these challenges, there are ongoing efforts to improve educational facilities and healthcare services, essential for supporting our young and growing population. 

The Role of the Departmental Council 

The Departmental Council of Mayotte is responsible for local administration and development initiatives. Our focus includes infrastructure development, social services, and economic growth. A key part of our strategy is participating in the Digital Islands project, which aims to leverage digital transformation to overcome geographical and infrastructural challenges. 

Digital Infrastructure and Initiatives 

Digital infrastructure is crucial for Mayotte’s development. Currently, around 30% of households have internet access, mainly through ADSL, with average broadband speeds of 10-15 Mbps. Mobile penetration is high, with over 80% of the population owning mobile phones and good 4G coverage. However, the high cost of internet and digital devices remains a barrier for many households. 

Initiatives include: 

- Fiber to the Home Deployment: Starting in 2025, this will significantly enhance internet access and speed. 

- E-Government Services: Approximately 25% of residents use e-government services regularly, and we aim to expand this to streamline public service delivery. 

- Digital Education: About 80% of schools are connected to the internet, but the computer-to-student ratio is 1:10. Efforts are underway to improve digital literacy and integrate digital tools into the education system. 

Benefits and Strategic Objectives 

Through digital transformation, we aim to: 

- Boost Economic Development: By improving digital infrastructure and services, we can attract investment and foster innovation. 

- Enhance Public Services: Digital solutions in health, education, and governance will improve service delivery and accessibility. 

- Improve Quality of Life: Integrating digital tools will make everyday activities more efficient and accessible for residents. 

The Mayotte Departmental Council is developing a strategy to expand digital uses and services across our territory, working closely with local authorities and stakeholders in the Interreg project. Continued investment, such as the 10 million EUR from FEDER, and international collaborations like Interreg Europe’s Digital Islands project, are crucial for our sustainable digital transformation. 

Success Stories and Good Practices 

Mayotte is making significant strides in digitization, but we recognize the ongoing challenges and the need for continued investment and collaboration. By embracing digital transformation, we aim to build a resilient, innovative, and prosperous future for all residents of Mayotte.  

1. E-Government Services Expansion: The "citizen space" of Mamoudzou reports that 30% of administrative interactions are now conducted online, reducing in-person visits and administrative bottlenecks. 

2. Digital Education Initiatives: The "Ecole Numérique" project has been pivotal in integrating digital tools into education. For instance, Lycée Younoussa Bamana in Mamoudzou uses tablets to facilitate interactive learning. The Rectorate of Mayotte has launched online training programs, enhancing digital teaching skills for over 500 educators. 

3. Telemedicine and E-Health Services: The hospital center, Centre Hospitalier de Mayotte (CHM), utilizes telemedicine for remote consultations in dermatology and cardiology, reducing the need for patients to travel long distances for specialist care.