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Embracing Digital Transformation in the Åland Islands

By Project Digital Islands
Digital islands jellyfish

Overview of the Åland Islands 

The Åland Islands, an autonomous region situated between Finland and Sweden, have a unique history and cultural identity. With a population of 30,000, Åland is characterized by its demilitarized status and commitment to preserving the Swedish language and culture, as decided by the League of Nations in 1921. Despite its small size, Åland is home to a vibrant community of 3,000 companies, mostly micro-enterprises, with a few larger players in the mix. 

The Role of Åland University of Applied Sciences 

Åland University of Applied Sciences, with its six bachelor programs and one master program, is a cornerstone of the region's educational and technological landscape. The university, which has 600 students and 70 employees, offers programs in business, tourism, sea captaincy, IT, electrical engineering, and mechanical engineering. As a project coordinator, the university collaborates closely with the government and other stakeholders to drive the region's digital transformation. 

Current State of Digitization 

The Åland Islands boast robust IT infrastructure, with widespread access to fiber broadband networks and 5G connectivity. However, the region faces significant challenges in terms of legal frameworks and resources. Key issues include: 

  • Legislation: Many of Åland’s laws are not yet aligned with modern digital requirements, hindering the digitization process. 

  • Political Concerns: The desire to maintain autonomy while integrating with Finland’s IT systems presents a complex political dilemma. 

  • Resource Constraints: As a small region, Åland lacks the resources to develop and maintain entirely independent IT systems for all governmental and public activities. 

Digitization Challenges 

The "Digital Islands" project focuses on addressing several critical challenges to advance Åland's digital landscape: 

  1. Healthcare and Medical Care: Enhancing telemedicine and digital health services, particularly for elderly care, to ensure residents can access quality healthcare while staying in their homes. 

  1. Digitization of SMEs: Encouraging small and medium-sized enterprises, especially in the tourism sector, to adopt digital solutions for better visibility and efficiency. 

  1. Public Service: Improving digital public services to make governmental processes more accessible and user-friendly for residents. 

  1. Pedagogical Digitization: Strengthening the use of digital tools in education from kindergarten to university levels to enhance learning experiences. 

Best Practices and Ongoing Projects 

Åland has already made notable strides in digitization, particularly in the education sector. The region’s schools are well-equipped with digital infrastructure, and there is a concerted effort to implement a comprehensive ICT strategy across all educational levels. This initiative aims to maximize the use of digital tools in teaching and administration, setting a benchmark for other sectors. 


The Åland Islands, with their unique cultural heritage and strategic location, are poised to benefit significantly from the "Digital Islands" project. By addressing the existing challenges and leveraging digital technologies, Åland aims to improve the quality of life for its residents, support local businesses, and enhance public services. 

As the project progresses, the collaboration between Åland University of Applied Sciences, the local government, and various stakeholders will be crucial in overcoming the existing digital challenges and making Åland a model for other regions striving for digital advancement. The commitment to maintaining autonomy while embracing digital integration underscores Åland’s innovative approach to preserving its identity in a rapidly evolving technological landscape.