First Peer Review event in Galicia

The first Peer Review event of the GIFT project, organised by the Lead Partner - Instituto de Estudos do Territorio (IET), took place during the 29th and 30th of August 2023 in Galicia region. It included several workshops and technical meetings, as well as an interesting study visit to Monte Xalo, as an example of landscape integration and combination of natural, cultural, productive and panoramic values in this Area of Special Landscape Interest (SLA).

As a result, an approach was made to the current situation in Galicia in terms of green infrastructure and landscape, considering various aspects such as the management and protection of the environment, the sustainable use of natural resources, the approach to new forestry uses, the importance of biodiversity conservation and the appropriate management of ecosystems, the effects of climate change and research and consultancy at different levels.
The event was attended by international experts from the city of Zagreb (Croatia) and the University of Latvia, as an advisory partner. In addition, it also had the participation of different specialists from the Xunta de Galicia and other Galician stakeholders involved in the care and protection of the landscape, such as the Biosphere Reserve Mariñas Coruñesas and Terras do Mandeo, the Juana de Vega Foundation, the association of neighbouring forests in Common Land Use of Celas de Peiro, the Higher Center for Scientific Research (CSIC), the University of A Coruña, the Naturalist Group Habitat, staff linked to the municipality of Culleredo and several companies.
The joint work developed by the partners involved within the GIFT project and the other specialists attending the event will facilitate the subsequent formulation of recommendations that will allow the integration of criteria related to green infrastructures in the Galician instruments related to landscape protection.