GIFT Peer Review in Leipzig
Together with a representative of SMEKUL (Saxon Ministry for Energy, Climate Protection, Environment and Agriculture), as well as the head of the Dübener Heide Nature Park, the participants had active and in-depth discussion about the Saxon Biodiversity Program.
The focus of the discussions was on the fundamental changes brought by the EU Restoration Law, as well as the implementation of similar strategies by the GIFT project partners. While everyone agreed that the new legal framework was necessary and helpful, implementation is a serious challenge due to a lack of resources. The peer review offered a space to discuss different approaches and applications of European laws. All in all, it was a successful meeting with exciting discussions and insights.
The study visit was organised as a short trip to the Stadtgarten Connewitz, an urban city garden project, which - despite the unpleasant weather - impressed with its variety of biodiversity efforts.
The organizers (Aufbauwerk Leipzig) would like to thank everyone involved and look forward to further productive exchanges.