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Zagreb hosts the third GIFT Interregional Meeting

By Project GIFT

The City of Zagreb, in collaboration with the Development Agency Zagreb, hosted the third Interregional Meeting of the project partners and interactive workshops as part of the Interreg Europe GIFT project. The event took place from May 14 to 17, 2024, at the Zagreb Zoo and the Zagreb Forum.

The project partners discussed key elements of the GIFT project implementation. The most significant activities and events focused on the challenges and expectations for effective partner cooperation, agreeing on the timeline for future project activities, and exchanging information and best practices. All these efforts aim to develop green infrastructure and promote green policies through interregional cooperation.

The two-day workshop on the creation of Guidelines for Assessing and Monitoring the Ecological Status of Biodiversity in Urban Forests of the City of Zagreb began with a presentation by the Public Institution "Zagreb City Nature." The presentation introduced participants to Zagreb's urban forests. Following this, thematic workshops and discussions were held, involving experts from both domestic and international backgrounds, along with Study Visits to the Maksimir Memorial Park.

In addition to representatives from the Public Institution "Zagreb City Nature," expert contributions were made by the leading partner, Instituto de Estudos do Territorio (IET) from Spain, and the Province of Fryslân from the Netherlands, along with the collaboration of other partners participating in the GIFT project.

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Green infrastructure