First Italian stakeholders meeting with Lombardy Region

On July the 25th Regione Lombardia hosted the first Italian stakeholders meeting of project GreenGov to start a dialogue on the project topics. The team of Regione Lombardia was joined by representatives of Forum per la Finanza Sostenibile, Finlombarda, Cluster LE2C, Confartigianato Lombardia, MUSA, Unioncamere Lombardia, CNA Lombardia, Confindustria Lombardia and ARPA Lombardia.
After a project introduction by Regione Lombardia and the project advisory partner Poliedra, the participants focused on discussing the implementation of the DNSH principle, climate proofing of infrastructures and green finance in the ERDF Regional Programme.
The participants welcomed the involvement in the project and expressed the need to promote the engagement of businesses in adopting sustainability principles, which can represent a competitive advantage. They also shared their hope for a simplification of some requirements, to make the access to European funding opportunities easier especially for Micro and Small Enterprises and recalled the importance of capacity building and awareness raising initiatives.
As a next step, the stakeholders will be involved by Regione Lombardia in filling out a survey on “the state of the art of green finance”, to provide useful data that will be subsequently analyzed within the context of the GreenGov project, in preparation to the second partnership meeting that will be held in Craiova (Romania) in November 2024. Throughout the four-year project, the stakeholder group will meet regularly to provide input to the project and to discuss best practice and the experiences of project partners.