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Puglia Region Stakeholder Group

By Project LOTTI
Partners working on a project

Most of the stakeholders from Puglia took part in the participatory consultation process for the definition of the regional S3 – Smart Puglia 2030, and will soon be part of the working groups of the monitoring system (Observatory) of the regional S3 envisaged and described in detail in the Smart Puglia 2030 document, which makes for a very interesting and productive stakeholder group. 

In Puglia there are concerns about ​​the province of Brindisi and the province of Taranto and above all two specific plants, respectively: the Cerano power plant and ILVA. By agreeing with the participants that, due to the nature and complexity of the management of the plants, their future will also be determined by national decisions and policies, the common conclusion was reached that the policy improvement of the regional S3 could concern the impacts of the industrial transition on territory of the provinces of Taranto and Brindisi alongside the decisions to reconvert the two plants mentioned. The possibility of selecting a transversal theme was also evaluated i.e. the digitalisation of SMEs and micro businesses or the green transition on which to develop an S3 upgrade or an action plan. 

In the last round of the table, the participants shared, some analyses and studies on the territories and some experiences of participatory processes also in the territories of Taranto and Brindisi and they verified the hypothesis of involving the Stakeholders of the LOTTI project in the working groups for the periodic review of the regional S3. 

The meeting ended with a broad convergence on the opportunities that innovation and intelligent specialization can open up in territories in transition such as those of Taranto and Brindisi.

Action plan
Citizen engagement
Industrial transition