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2nd stekholder meeting in Central Macedonia

By Project MILEstone
2nd stakeholder workshop CM

The 2nd Meeting of the Regional Stakeholders' Group (RSG) of the MILEstone (Migrants’  Integration in Local Economies) project, co-funded by the INTERREG EUROPE 2021-2027 Programme, was held online on Monday 5 February 2024.

The meeting was organized by the Regional Development Fund of Central Macedonia (project partner), in cooperation with the Region of Central Macedonia (Αssociated policy authority) αnd specifically the Department of Employment and Education Support of the Directorate of Trade and Employment of the General Directorate of Development and Environment with representative Mrs. Evdoxia Dermedesioti.

The "MILEstone" project aims to empower public authorities in the participating regions to modify and promote their Strategies and Programmes for promoting the labour market integration of third-country nationals to include better aspects of promoting entrepreneurship and further skills development (lifelong learning).

The partnership of the project includes a total of 10 partners from 9 European countries and 3 collaborating Αssociated policy authorities (Region of Central Macedonia, Municipality of Hogeland, the Netherlands and the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry of Italy).

 At the beginning of the 2nd meeting, a brief overview of the progress of the project so far was given and a draft of the Baseline Study was presented, followed by a fruitful discussion among the participants and feedback from the members of the Regional Stakeholders΄  Group. Good practices as well as challenges, opportunities and possible solutions regarding the integration of third country nationals in the labour market in the Region of Central Macedonia were presented. Also, the members of the Regional Stakeholders΄ group were informed and invited to the upcoming 2nd Thematic Seminar which will be held in Thessaloniki, on 28-29 February 2024. The Thematic Seminar will be attended by representatives of all project partners and will focus on the promotion of training and lifelong learning of third country nationals, so that they can look for  better and higher paid jobs.

The meeting was attended by representatives from the Observatory for Refugees and Migrants of the Region of Central Macedonia, the Special Programme Management Service "Central Macedonia", the Municipality of Thessaloniki, the International Organization for Migration of Thessaloniki, the Christian Youth Brotherhood of  Thessaloniki (YMCA), the University of Macedonia, the Technical Chamber of Greece (Central Macedonia section), the UNHCR, the non-governmental organization SolidarityNow and ETAM S. A. (external expert).

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Regional policy