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6th stakeholder meeting in Jyväskylä

By Project MILEstone

The 6th stakeholder meeting was held in the International House Jyväskylä on the 28th October 2024. The main topic of the meeting was to discuss about the Baseline study of the City of Jyväskylä. The meeting started with a brief revision of the MILEstone project and its activities. 

After that, the key findings of the baseline study were presented to the stakeholders, who have actively participated to the project workshops and commented the draft of the Baseline study. In the meeting, 14 participants representing e.g. public sector, educational institutions and associations discussed about the analysis of the local ecosystem, the service landscape and the crucial reflections regarding sustainable labour market integration of immigrants residing in the region.

At the end of the meeting, a short overview of the next steps of MILEstone project and upcoming peer review was told. Thanking the participants for the collaborative work during the process and for an active discussion in the meeting!

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