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Stakeholder meeting in France Autumn 2023

By Project NACAO

French partner Auvergne Rhône Alpes Energie et Environnement held their second stakeholder meeting this November. This meeting began with a tour-de-table where each stakeholder presented their own news. Then, Yann Mathias, intern in AURA-EE from September 2023 to February 2024, shared an overview of the carbon contribution in the region Auvergne Rhône Alpes (good practices and carbon sinks identified). Expanding the theme Edith Bruneau from Dunater, a non-profit organisation supporting farmers in their transition, gave presentation of the CarbonAgri method. Then Yann explained in more details how atmospheric carbon is sequestrated in plants and soils, and how certain agricultural practices can increase the carbon stock in soils.

Further meetings will be scheduled, more thematic, with one focusing on the link between carbon and biodiversity and another referring to the potential role of local authorities in the carbon contribution.

Remote presentation on a wall with the topic Examples from Carbone-Agri.
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Carbon economy