Productive Deep Dive into Värmland
The fifth On-Site Deep Dive of PLASTIX was organised in Värmland, Sweden, by Paper Province.The agenda was built around the vibrant plastic circular economy ecosystem of the region including the following topics:
- Seminar on plastics, circularity and packaging with presentations from Blue Ocean Closures, IKEA, Karlstads Energi, Karlstad University, and Stora Enso
- International stakeholder pitches from all PLASTIX regions
- Visits to Circlab, Karlstad Innovation Park, Karlstad University, and Stora Enso
- Introduction into the innovation landscape of Region Värmland and Academy for Smart Specialisation
- Workshop on the Circular Benchmark Tool adaptation and the upcoming staff exchange programme
This was also the first time we had the chance to meet our new discovery partners live, and it was great to start the exchange of experience with
- The City Development Agency Banja Luka Cidea from Bosnia and Herzegovina, and
- Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University from Ukraine.
What a productive OSDD we had with all the presentations, visits and discussions! There is one more to go, i.e. OSDD Lombardy in November.