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PROACTsme Kick-off meeting and Catalan peer review

By Project PROACTsme
Main conference

On June 08th in Barcelona, the Kick off meeting of PROACTsme project took place. During this day, the partnership of the project and the Catalan stakeholders groups, they have had different participation spaces according to the planned agenda: institutional welcoming, main conference, presentation of good Catalan practices,…

Thursday 8th of June 2023.

Districte administratiu de la Generalitat de Catalunya. 57, Foc street. 08038 Barcelona)

Room meeting : Auditorium room

9:00  Welcoming and reception of attendees.



Institutional welcoming. 

Very Hble Mr. Roger Torrent, Regional Minister of Management and Work




Main Conference: Digital conditions for competitiveness.

Mr. Genís Roca, President of the Foundation PuntCat. 

11:00 – 11:30 

Coffee break 

11:30 – 13:00 




Round table : Needs detection with the main collaborators and economic agents of Catalonia: 

  • Josep Ginesta, Secretari General PIMEC
  • Estefania González, Presidenta de la comissió d'Emprenedors de Foment
  • Mario Alguacil, Director de l'àrea de Govern Obert i Serveis Generals a l'Ajuntament de St Feliu de Llobregat
  • Miquel Torregrossa, Director de Serveis Digitals del CTTI

Moderator : Cristina Pruñonosa, Gerent de l’Oficina de Gestió Empresarial

13:00 – 14:00 

Lunch break


Room meeting: Polivalent room

14:00 – 15:20


Round table with the Project partners to identify the work lines:

  • Mª Dolors Triviño, Oficina de Gestió Empresarial
  • Daniela Gundersen, Møre and Romsdal County Council
  • Mantas Vilys, Public Institution Lithuanian Innovation Centre
  • Blanka Zienkiewicz, Marshal's Office of the Mazovian Voivodeship
  • Katarzyna Cesarczyk, Mazovia Development Agency Plc
  • Christos Papantos, Organisation for local development - Anatoliki
  • Barry Sheehan, University of Limerick
  • Laura Sallent, CECOT Innovation Foundation

Moderator : Natàlia Cantero, Coordinadora de tramitació electrònica de la FUE.

15:20 – 15:30


Conclusions of the congress.

Cristina Pruñonosa, Gerent de l’Oficina de Gestió Empresarial.


Thanks to this meeting, lead partner used this space to organise a round table with regional stakeholders and to detect the needs and they discussed about the new smart services to SME's and the priorities to them, etc...

More information about the event.

1. Main conference presentationhttps://canalempresa.gencat.cat/web/.content/oge/doc/fuecom/PROACTsme/PROACTsme_Condicions-digitals-per-a-la-competitivitat_Genis-Roca.pdf

2. Good practice Government of Cataloniahttps://canalempresa.gencat.cat/web/.content/oge/doc/fuecom/PROACTsme/PROACTsme_Serveis-proactius-dins-del-context-de-la-FUE.-Generalitat-de-Catalunya.pdf

3. Good practice Foundation CECOT Innovationhttps://canalempresa.gencat.cat/web/.content/oge/doc/fuecom/PROACTsme/PROACTsm_HelpEmpresa-Laura-Sallent_-CECOT.pdf
