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Rural Youth Future: Local Stakeholders Online Meeting

By Project RuralYouthFuture
online meeting

On Wednesday, 12th July 2023, IPDJ-Instituto Português do Desporto e Juventude, organized a Local Stakeholders Online Meeting with all Portuguese stakeholders involved in the “RuralYouthFuture” project.

The representative of IPDJ made a short presentation to explain the project and the guidelines. Then introduce each everyone and thanked them all for assuming their engagement with the project.

The group was informed about the role they must play in the project, to ensure a large impact in the territories involved, such as:

  • Support targeting good local practices and share them with other partners.
  • Discuss and select good local practices among all partners that can be adopted and exploit in other places.
  • Participate in exchanges activities such as: study visits; technical seminars; bilateral meetings; etc.; sharing experiences and increment technical and professional skills.
  • Support partners adapting and implementing gained insights, bring co-responsible for achieving the improvement of the politics.

Stakeholders’ participant are from the Área Metropolitana do Porto; Conselho Nacional de Juventude (CNJ); Federação Nacional das Associações Juvenis (FNAJ); Instituto de Emprego e Formação Profissional (IEFP); Turismo do Porto e Norte de Portugal and the Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD).

Everyone showed enthusiasm and commitment with the project and with the good practices in working all together for this and for the future of young people on inner territories.

If you're interested in discovering further information about our efforts to open up new possibilities and generate opportunities that will bring about a positive transformation in the lives of young people residing in rural areas, follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.

Sustainable development