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SMART House hosted the 3rd Stakeholders Meeting in Slovenia

By Project RuralYouthFuture
3rd stakeholders group meeting in Slovenia

SMART House hosted on 17 May the "3rd RURAL YOUTH FUTURE Stakeholders Meeting", bringing together young and potential entrepreneurs to present the project and its main activities to improve the effectiveness of youth employment policies for sustainable rural development.

During the meeting, SMART House presented the study visits from Latvia's "GO Remote" and Bulgaria's "4th of April Organisation", alongside the strategic objectives for young people in the municipality of Peshtera.

Based on the briefing, stakeholders commented on the following points:

  • The "Go Remote" practice could benefit our region, as the Goričko area, with its mountainous landscape covering 492 km², would greatly benefit from remote working opportunities for young people.
  • Stakeholders primarily discussed our area's capacities. They emphasized the need for more learning opportunities in their fields and for establishing themselves in the market, highlighting the necessity for increased financial incentives for young entrepreneurs.
  • SMART House aims to set up an evaluation criterion to incentivize potential applicants, based on the policy change. This would involve awarding more points to youth projects focusing on mentoring and crafts or offering specific animations through proposal calls. It was noted that while municipalities could advocate for youth calls for tender, there are currently no such initiatives.
  • In the Goričko region, there is evidence of small farms being revitalized and boutique tourism being developed. Both young and older individuals have started converting old houses and farms, creating a boutique atmosphere in the countryside.

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