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The Xunta de Galicia presents the 'RuralYouthFuture' project

By Project RuralYouthFuture
project presentation

It was attended by 18 representatives from different departments of the Galician Government and also from the Chamber of Commerce of Santiago, the University of Vigo, the Eurocity Chaves-Verín, the Federation of Don Bosco Youth Centers and the Amicos association

The general director of Youth, Participation and Volunteering, Cristina Pichel, presented to the interested parties —the so-called stakeholders— the RuralYouthFuture project in which the Galician Government participates, and which is led by the Galicia Europa Foundation. This initiative aims to promote youth employment among rural youth and the sustainable development of these areas.

The meeting was attended by members of different departments of the Galician Government and of the Chamber of Commerce of Santiago, the University of Vigo, the Eurocity Llaves-Verín, the Federation of Don Bosco Youth Centers and the Amicos association, who will help nourish this project with good practices and with their experience and knowledge. The meeting served to publicize the details of this project that was chosen by Interreg Europe 2021-2027 and that will last 36 months, from March 1, 2023, to February 28, 2027.

RuralYouthFuture will focus from six political instruments at the municipal, regional and national level to face the common challenge of responding to the needs of youth in rural territories, which are experiencing a growing population decline. It will have the participation of different partners from seven European countries: Spain, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Lithuania, Portugal, Estonia, and Belgium. The project has financing of 1.6 million euros, co-financed with FEDER funds.

Dirección Xeral de Xuventude, Participación e Voluntariado



Sustainable development