Third meeting of the Regional Stakeholder Group (RGI)
On February 23, 2024, the third meeting of the Regional Stakeholder Group of the project entitled "Regional Policies for Supporting Social Economy" (acronym SECON) was held.
The meeting was opened and chaired by Ms. Aleksandra Szwed, Deputy Director of the Department of Regional Development and European Funds, and as part of the introduction we presented the participants with the latest activities in the project and plans for the next semester.
The next agenda items included presentations of good practices from the Mazovia region, which were accepted by the Project Leader and will be presented at the European forum. Ms. Aleksandra Pęcherzewska, President, from the Cooperative "Center for Environmental Services" in Drobin, shared her knowledge and practical examples of how a multi-sector social cooperative operates.
In turn, Ms. Anita Dygas, Manager of the Center for Social Integration in Zbijów Mały, Mirów Municipality, presented us with the activities of the center in response to the enormous social challenges implemented in one of the smallest municipalities in Poland.
At the end, Mr. Krzysztof Pilecki from the Mazovian Center for Social Policy, gave presentations on how social inclusion and social economy are developing in Mazovia and what social economy initiatives will be implemented in 2024.
The third semester of the project will begin on March 1 of this year and end on August 31 of this year. During this period, among the most important tasks will be to conduct a study of regional needs, attitudes and perspectives regarding the promotion of social economy in Mazovia.
The purpose of the analysis is to determine the needs of the Mazovian Voivodeship related to the development of the social economy in the area of information and promotion activities. A seminar on fostering an enabling environment and non-financial support for the development of the regional social economy sector and a meeting of the Regional Stakeholder Group are also planned.
We cordially invite you to cooperate with the SECON project and encourage those interested in the development of social economy in Mazovia to participate in future meetings!