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A ToUR of INnovation ecosystem: E&L in Torino

By Project SKALE2CT
Torino E&L

The Event TUR-IN: a Tour of Innovation Ecosystem from Start-up to Cluster in the Framework of the New EU Innovation Agenda, took place on June 19-20, 2024. Organized by the Metropolitan City of Turin and supported by key actors of the Piedmont Innovation Ecosystem, including OGR-Officine Grandi Riparazioni, FIP - Photonic Technologies for Industry 4.0 (Polytechnic University), and Environment Park, this event highlighted the region's innovation capacity.

The event was a culmination of two Interreg projects: SKALE2CT and ACCELERATE GDT, both aimed at improving cluster policies and supporting SMEs' green and digital transitions. It included a transnational public meeting and two project-specific parallel sessions.

The event's goal was to contribute to strategic reflections on developing a robust innovation ecosystem within the European context. Key local and regional innovation personalities, along with Interreg project partners, exchanged ideas and best practices.

The transnational public meeting began with institutional greetings from Metropolitan Councilwoman Sonia Cambursano, followed by Claudia Fassero (EU projects & programs, Metropolitan City of Turin), who outlined the meeting's objectives. Presentations on the two Interreg projects were given by John Hobbs (Munster Technological University) and Yesenia Otamendi (San Sebastian Socio-Economic Development Agency).

Mara Cossu from the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security discussed the OECD Recommendation on Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development. Massimo Gaudina (DG Research/Innovation, European Commission) elaborated on the New European Innovation Agenda adopted on July 5, 2022, aiming to position Europe at the forefront of deep tech innovation.

A round table titled “Presentation of the Mainstream Policies Supporting the Growth of Start-ups and Innovation Clusters” was coordinated by Alessandro Sciullo from the University of Turin and IRES - Piedmont Social and Economic Research Center. Speakers including Giovanni Amateis (Piedmont Region), Claudia Fassero, Cristina Marullo (Polytechnic of Turin), and Elisa Rosso (University of Turin) provided a critical analysis of the local innovation ecosystem and policies.

The SKALE2CT session “Scaling-up Infrastructures: How to Support Tech Businesses Growth through Networks of Cutting-edge Equipment” featured the Butterfly Area project, explained by Cristina Prandi (Vice-Rector of Research, University of Turin). The Butterfly Area will be part of the new University Campus City of Science and the Environment, hosting over 1,000 researchers and 10,000 students, and will drive innovation in various fields.

Annalisa Magone from Torino Nord Ovest coordinated the round table “Presentation of the Local Infrastructure Ecosystem and Good Practices Concerning Scaling-up Infrastructures for Technological MSMEs.” Speakers, including Davide Damosso (Environment Park), Chiara Ferroni (NODES), Christian Racca (Top-IX), Giuseppe Serrao (2i3T), and Ludovico del Carretto (I3P), discussed the tangible and intangible infrastructure supporting innovation and MSMEs.

A guided visit to OGR (Officine Grandi Riparazioni) showcased its evolution from train repair workshops to a hub for contemporary culture, innovation, and business acceleration. This visit provided insights into the OGR Accelerator's role in the local innovation ecosystem.

The event concluded on June 20 at Environment Park with the Steering Committee and Joint Conclusions session, summarizing the outcomes and synergies of the two Interreg Projects.
