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Toward the new Strategic Plan: a MCT's Thematic Workshop

By Project SKALE2CT

The event is part of a great participatory process that will lead to the writing of the new Metropolitan Strategic Plan, for the 3-year period 2024−2026. In particular, this event closed the listening phase, which consisted of a series of in-depth interviews conducted with the key stakeholders of the process. A new phase of co-planning will follow, with an in-depth analysis of the issues raised in this occasion.

The event was hosted by the Councilwoman Sonia Cambursano, who welcomed the participants and introduced the workshop. Alessandro Sciullo and Alessandro Dianin, researchers from the research institute IRES Piemonte presented the results of the socioeconomic study they realized to support the efforts of the day with a clear view of the metropolitan context.

Afterwards, the numerous participants were splint into 6 smaller thematic groups, working on ways to make our metropolitan area:

  • More innovative and productive
  • More green and sustainable
  • More mobile, accessible and connected
  • That learns more
  • More attractive and fair
  • More healthy

The 6 themes reflect the 6-axis structure of the Strategic Plan, which in turn is based on the themes of the NextGenerationEU recovery plan.

The groups were encouraged to answer two fundamental questions:

  • What lessons can we learn from the previous plan 2021−2023?
  • And what issues should the new plan 2024−2026 address?

The morning was incredibly productive thanks to many relevant contributions, as evidenced by the rich closing session, where the facilitators of the groups reported to the plenary assembly the results of the workshop.

The results of the workshops will be collected in a position paper which will be an essential stepping stone for the next phase of the process, when the new strategies will be chosen and discussed with the territory in another workshop taking place at the start of December. On this occasion, the Metropolitan City of Turin won’t be the only host, as other, more peripheral locations will be involved, mobilizing as many institutions and citizen as possible in simultaneous events of co-planning.
