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1st stakeholders meeting in Lithuania

By Project StopWaste
People having online meeting discussing STOPWASTE project

JSC Alytus Regional Waste Management arranged a stakeholders meeting with municipality representatives. The main meeting goal was to conduct a detailed analysis of the Regional Waste Prevention and Management Plan 2021-2027, including sharing fresh ideas and waste reduction possibilities with the public. The meeting was held on 30 August. During the meeting, the experience of the STOPWaste project partners in waste prevention and insights presented by project partners at an international event held in Portugal were discussed. The meeting also talked about how to make the Regional Waste Prevention and Management Plan 2021-2027 better, taking into account comments and suggestions from all the interested stakeholders. The attendees included Alytus regional municipality leaders, waste prevention experts, and specialists responsible for waste management in municipalities. The main objective of the meeting was to conduct a thorough review and discussion of the then-current Regional Waste Prevention and Management Plan 2021-2027, utilizing insights gathered from the recent international event. Based on the experience gained during this event, they aimed to pinpoint possible improvement points of the current plan. The meeting also shared important insights and lessons learned from the international event in Portugal related to waste management planning. Additionally, proposals on how to enhance the current plan were presented, considering feedback from various stakeholders.
