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UnicornQUest | Online 'Harvard Case Method' training

By Project UnicornQuest

On August 28th 2023 the UnicornQuest partners attended the online 'Harvard Case Method' training session organized by our Lead Partner PACT and held by expert Mr. Américo Mateus.

The method helps us to create inspiring #businesscases by following a series of interconnected actions. It will support us in presenting well-functioning #enterprises that can serve as good practice for us partners and our local actors as well.

Harward Business Case Method is learning-by-doing system, where participants are confronted by a real problem, analyze its details in a process gathering different options, angles and perspectives, to reach a consensus about how to solve it.

When it is applied to policy instruments, policy representatives analyse the sectorial problematic of a specific or region - based on a real case or best practice - and are guided by the case manager through the learning process. This process assures a better understanding of the practice and a deeper analysis of the benefits of each case. 

During our project further CASE peer-exchange sessions will be organized. 

Every semester counts on a real case from one partner region, which shows how a star-up or a 'soonicorn' confronts a special challenge requiring support  and decision making form the relevant Region. 


