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Interregional report shows mutual support among EU regions

By Project VIADUCT

A recent study among European regions shows how they work together, sharing what makes each region special, where they excel, and where they can improve. The report also highlights the importance of countries learning from each other, cooperating to boost entrepreneurial culture, and driving innovation locally and across Europe.

Key highlights

Lithuania: Stands out as the only region where researchers view the entrepreneurial culture positively. With flexible legislation for spin-offs aligned with the S3 strategy, it could serve as a high-level strategy for promoting entrepreneurship.

Aragón (Spain): Calls for introducing incentives for researchers and more flexible legislation to balance entrepreneurial and research careers. Representatives could assess spin-off legal frameworks in other regions for potential improvements.

Western Region (Ireland): Demonstrates a specific strategy for fostering life sciences and MedTech initiatives, aligning with the Smart Specialisation Strategy. A potential model for aligning measures with strategic regional goals.

Tampere (Finland): Highlights the need to enhance connections between researchers and private companies. Investigating how these relations are created could offer valuable insights for other regions.

Veneto Region (Italy): Exhibits a positive view on creating multidisciplinary teams for spin-offs, providing a potential pioneering step for effective measures in this aspect.

West Region (Romania): Faces challenges with formal valorisation procedures, presenting an opportunity to study models from other regions to create a tailored solution.

Greater East Region (France): Stands out with robust support for venture building and a distinct approach to organising technology-transfer and valorisation activities. A model that may inspire and adapt for other regions.

In conclusion

The commitment of representatives from all regions in overcoming challenges in spin-off creation is acknowledged. Learning from each other and sharing best practices is vital for accelerating progress and creating a more vibrant and supportive environment for spin-off creation and consolidation.
