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2nd Stakeholder Meeting of the European Project “WeSTEMEU”

By Project WeSTEMEU
2nd Stakeholder Meeting of the European Project “WeSTEMEU”

On Monday, May 13th, 2024, the 2nd Stakeholder Meeting was successfully held at the premises of the Region of Western Greece, in the context of the European project WeSTEMEU. The meeting was organized by the Region of Western Greece, with the support of the Institute of Computer Technology & Publications “Diophantus”.

The Region of Western Greece participates as a partner in the WeSTEMEU project to promote the increased participation of women in STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), in line with the objectives of the European Skills Agenda, while considering the EU Directive for the balance between work and life.

In the context of the participatory consultation process with policy making bodies, businesses and development agencies of the region, the event was attended by representatives of the wider area, as well as by executives of the Region of Western Greece and CTI “Diophantus”.

The event started with the welcome speech of Mr. Takis Papadopoulos, Deputy Regional Governor for Entrepreneurship, Research and Innovation, who underlined the strategic importance of WeSTEMEU project for the promotion of one of the most important objectives of the Regional Operational Programme of the Western Greece. In particular, Mr. Papadopoulos referred to the promotion of active inclusion, equal opportunities, non-discrimination and active participation, as well as the improvement of employment and empowerment of female participation throughout Western Greece. Particular importance was given to the utilization of financial and non-financial tools of the Region of Western Greece, such as the Entrepreneurship Support Mechanism, and RIS3 funds, where from women of the area could be supported with the proper skills for job opportunities in the STEM fields, and to ensure an equal presence in the relevant market, without being hindered by negative stereotypes, discrimination and hostile work environments.

The event continued with a brief presentation of the objectives and activities of the project, where the importance of the role of the Stakeholder Group was highlighted, while at the same time, reference was made to upcoming project activities and the participation of local partners (Region of Western Greece and CTI “Diophatus”).

Representatives from various organizations participated to 2nd Stakeholder Meeting, such as the Hellenic Open University, the University of Peloponnese, the Region of Western Greece, the Patras Science Park, the University of Patras, the Institute of Computer Technology & Publications “Diophantus” and the Industrial Systems Institute of the “ATHENA” Research Center.

During the discussion, important issues have been highlighted, such as the connection of informational activities for employment/ entrepreneurship of research bodies with the Region of Western Greece, and the exchange of relevant information, the possible creation of a coordination structure at the Region, with an advisory role to the research bodies, the utilization of studies of the Gender Equality Offices of local bodies, as well as the adoption of good practices from abroad, that seem to have worked in societies with similar characteristics.

Very soon, on June 04-05, the 3rd Study Visit of the project will take place in our area, with the participation of project partners and representatives of stakeholders by all participating countries. The WeSTEMEU Regional Stakeholder Group of Western Greece will hold its next meeting in around the end of August, for the further progress of their works, based on the results of the aforementioned Study Visit. The aim, for such a future event, is to gain representation by the production sector, so that their needs and particular characteristics of the local market will be taken into account under the project implementation.