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Think Digital & P-Consulting, two greek reference companies

By Project WeSTEMEU
The group of partners from the WeSTEMEU Project visited Think Digital and P-Consulting, two reference companies in Patras.

WeSTEMEU partners in Greece visited Think Digital and P-Consulting, two reference companies in Patras these past days. These companies specialize in the fields of Marketing & Commerce Holding Group and business consulting, creating web pages and tools, research, and training, respectively. They explained to the group, which their challenges were, and how they addressed them. Charitini-Maria Skoulidi, CEO-Owner, welcomed the group during the visit to P-Consulting (a business and digital consulting firm). She introduced the entire team present at the facilities and provided a brief overview of the company she co-leads.

Skoulidi also briefly discussed her personal journey, highlighting the challenges she had to overcome to work in her current position. The partners expressed interest by asking questions and providing comments as the explanations unfolded, leading to a spontaneous analysis of the contextual realities related to each territorial context. 

On the other hand, during the visit to Think Digital (a marketing and commerce company with significant international presence), team leaders received the group and explained the company’s work lines. Think Digital operates across much of Europe, and its Patras office boasts a team with a strong female presence.

Think Digital shared insights into promoting women’s access to prominent positions in STEM fields. During the visit, three women recounted their career paths discussing how they became the accomplished professionals they are today. They also reflected on working in a team with a higher female representation.