Policy instruments
Discover the policy instruments that the partners of this project are tackling.
A means for public intervention. It refers to any policy, strategy, or law developed by public authorities and applied on the ground to improve a specific territorial situation. In most cases, financial resources are associated with a policy instrument. However, an instrument can also sometimes refer to a legislative framework with no specific funding. In the context of Interreg Europe, operational programmes for Investment for Growth and Jobs as well as Cooperation Programmes from European Territorial Cooperation are policy instruments. Beyond EU cohesion policy, local, regional, or national public authorities also develop their own policy instruments.
The addressed Policy Instrument, Innovation and Skills in Finland 2021–2027, is an EU regional and structural policy programme aimed at improving economic, social and territorial cohesion, as well as reducing the imbalances between the regions. Specifically, the project will target the segment of this policy that is related to the regional development of Päijät-Häme. This part of the Policy is implemented regionally and is owned and managed by the Regional Council of Päijät-Häme.
Innovation and Skills in Finland 2021–2027 has been a result of close cooperation between ministries, regions and a wide range of stakeholder organisations. The programme supports business, energy, climate, innovation, education and employment policies, as well as measures against social exclusion and poverty. The cross-cutting priorities of the Policy Instrument also include sustainable and digital development.
The ACTIVE ID project will address the Policy’s Priority area 1 (Innovative Finland) as in relation to the Päijät-Häme region. The objective within this Priority area is to promote research and innovation capabilities of regions and companies with a particular focus on business development and introduction of new technologies. The ERDF funding allocated is meant to advance the growth and competitiveness of SMEs. Another objective covered under this Priority area is to utilise digitalisation for the benefit of citizens, businesses, and public administration.
Partners working on this policy instrument

Plan Adelante is the business support strategy of Castilla-La Mancha, encompassing main support policies for SME innovation and digitalisation. The Plan was introduced in 2016 and is being reviewed every 3 years.
Currently, Plan Adelante covers six working axes (Undertake, Invest, Innovate, Commercialise, Internationalise, Finance), indicating the directions for supporting SME development. The Plan also mentions a series of business levers for aligning the supported actions with the regional priorities. These levers are: industrialisation of CLM, territorial development reverting depopulation by creating new opportunities, digitalisation of SMEs, and sustainable growth. These topics ensure that all undertaken actions respond to the challenges faced by CLM companies and society, support balanced economic development, and boost employment in the region. The Plan encompasses different funding instruments (e.g. including calls for proposals for funding SMEs: Innova Adelante for innovation, Adelante Digitalización for SME digitalization).
Therefore, addressing Plan Adelante within ACTIVE ID implies fostering strong support for the regional sports & leisure industry development, while at the same time strategically aligning it with the regional priorities and expecting it to tackle the regional challenges.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The objective of the Regional Tourism Strategy 2021-2027 is to transform the Vratsa Region into a popular tourism destination through instruments for integrated territorial development, including integrated territorial investments (ITI); to create conditions for developing tourist potential, to stimulate various forms of tourism, to increase the competitiveness of tourism sector and the quality of tourism products.
The document formulates an overall integrated vision for tourism development, as well as strategic goals and main priorities that will be implemented with the participation of all relevant stakeholders, in line with the regional development priorities.
Through the planned activities, measures and initiatives, the Strategy aims to 1) achieve a balance between economic, environmental and socio-cultural aspects of tourism development through the optimal use of natural resources, cultural heritage, local identity and 2) contribute to poverty alleviation and unemployment through long-term economic operations.
The strategy is a flexible document that is subject to update and improvement reflecting the needs in the tourism sector, changes in local conditions, legal framework and economic sphere. Active ID will address 3 priorities of the Strategy related to the development of regional tourism products & services, promoting different forms of tourism, and supporting cooperation of regional tourism companies among themselves and with other regional stakeholders.
Partners working on this policy instrument

Levendig Brabant 2030 (Lively Brabant 2030) is an integrated policy framework for the development of several regional sectors: culture, heritage, sports, and leisure.
The goal of Levendig Brabant is to contribute to tackling the societal challenges in the region, including i.a. the issues related to sustainability, citizens’ well-being and health. It identifies the main policy lines for the coming years, all united by the same goal of supporting the developments of the 4 outlined sectors. There are 5 main goals set in the document: 1. Products & services for citizens’ needs; 2. Inclusion; 3. Innovation and renewal; 4. Offer for youth and talent development, 5. Contribution to social challenges. At the core of this framework lie: intensive cooperation within the region, smart crossovers, and building on local talents.
As a policy framework, Levendig Brabant 2030 sets the course for the implementation agendas that will be drawn up by the Provincial Executive body in 2023 and 2027. There and then further (concrete) choices for implementation will be made.
By addressing Levendig Brabant 2030 within ACTIVE ID, the Province aspires to maximise the potential social impact of its regional Q-helix innovation capacities. This implies aligning S&L industry developments with the goal of creating a healthy and attractive environment for living, working, and recreation. This will be done by promoting the development of innovative and sustainable crossovers in the S&L industry.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The ERDF Programme for North Middle Sweden 2021-2027 covers the counties of Dalarna, Värmland and Gävleborg. It is operated at NUTS II-level, meaning that the decisions on financing of projects in Dalarna Region are made by the regional government of Dalarna.
The Programme has two overarching goals: 1. A smarter Europe, 2. A greener Europe, with 6 sub-goals: 1) Increasing the power of innovation, 2) Increasing the benefits of digitalisation's possibilities, 3) Broadening business and strengthening exports, 4) Working more circularly, smartly and resource-efficiently, 5) Developing skills for smart specialisation, structural transformation and entrepreneurship, 6) (Supporting the) Areas of Smart Specialisation.
Within the ACTIVE ID project, Dalarna Region will focus on the Programme specific priority: RSO1.1. Develop and improve research and the innovation capacity and the use of advanced technologies.
Partners working on this policy instrument