Policy instruments
Discover the policy instruments that the partners of this project are tackling.
A means for public intervention. It refers to any policy, strategy, or law developed by public authorities and applied on the ground to improve a specific territorial situation. In most cases, financial resources are associated with a policy instrument. However, an instrument can also sometimes refer to a legislative framework with no specific funding. In the context of Interreg Europe, operational programmes for Investment for Growth and Jobs as well as Cooperation Programmes from European Territorial Cooperation are policy instruments. Beyond EU cohesion policy, local, regional, or national public authorities also develop their own policy instruments.
Carte blanche aux artists is a policy instrument that supports artistic projects from regional operators. It aims at encouraging artistic creation and diffusion, with a focus on the diversity of esthetics and artistic emergence and on reinforcing the artistic ecosystem and cooperation between regional operators. It is achieved by means of annual calls for projects : independent experts commissions select amongst the eligible projects with artistic and feasibility criteria. Most of the other policy instruments operated by the Region support the overall activity of cultural operators (festivals, compagnies). This instrument addresses identified projects
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Through the PAR, the Tuscany Region intends to maximize opportunities, challenges & innovations contained in the GOL Program to enhance & strengthen the regional system of training and employment policies.
The main features are:
- a public governance model, with a central role of the regional network of CPI (employment centres) for taking charge of the beneficiaries, the establishment professional development paths, active policies, & monitoring;
- the implementation of network of territorial offices & digital tools, which facilitate access to services and intercept the needs and requirements expressed by citizens and businesses;
- the programming of a wide digitally accessible training offer (Regional Catalog of the training offer), planned on the basis of skills needs, competences and territorial priorities
- the consolidation of integrated work, training and social services, through memoranda of understanding signed by organisations that contribute to the achievement of the GOL Programme’s objectives, especially for the most fragile workers’ support.
The main actions are thus the: integration with training policies;
- consolidation of the territorial network of services;
- cooperation between the public and private systems;
- involvement of businesses and the local areas through municipalities
- customization and provision of measures, such as actions for the greater capillarity and proximity of the Employment Centres and for the digitalization of services.
Partners working on this policy instrument

Youth Guarantee Implementation Plan consists of many areas such as early interventions & activation of youth, labour market interventions & outreach. CES is highly involved in the implementation & is in cooperation with partners on a national & local level. Besides measures aimed at the active NEETs – unemployed (such as counselling, workshops, educational programmes or active labour market policy measures), CES has established activities for outreaching the inactive NEETs. These services function on 3 different levels: self-help, partial help & individual services. A partnership with the Ministry of science, education & sports has been in place to exchange the data on the vocational intentions of pupils in their final grades for primary & secondary schools which are then used as 1 of the instruments to prevent early school leaving & to align pupils’ intentions & educational possibilities with the labour market situation. Additionally, Life Long Career Guidance Centres (CISOK) are established as a place for outreaching & activating inactive NEETs. In order to deliver quality services it was necessary to establish cooperation on a local level. By the end of 2021, the CISOK units have signed 403 agreements for cooperation with partners on a local & regional level (eg educational institutions, volunteer centres, Roma & youth associations, social welfare centres, public health institutes). 65% of all CISOK users are young people aged 15-29, while inactive NEETs make up about 6.6%
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The Youth Grant provides personal / vocational training, mentoring and support to young people under 30 who are not in education, employment or training (NEET), thus facilitating their transition to education and a paid job, for those identified as in need of this additional support. This supports their prospects for employment, economic autonomy and social integration.
For many young people who are ready for work, the youth guarantee can direct them directly to jobs, they can use the profiling service to find a suitable job. The target group of the instrument is young people under 30 and are: young people aged 16-30 and not enrolled in any education or training institution.
The employment services provided in Romania consist of: a). provides personalized assistance (information, contact, counselling) that is tailored to both the immediate needs of young people and other personal issues; b). provides profiling, access to vocational training courses, mediation on the labor market, employment, apprenticeship, internships.
Partners working on this policy instrument

Reinforced Youth Guarantee in Slovenia brings together programmes from different policy areas serving the youth as target group and connects services of different providers. This provides a more comprehensive map of the measures available to youth and is a key factor to their visibility and awareness among youth that consequently has positive influences to outreach and participation in the programmes. Main goal of the Scheme is supporting transitions from education to the labour market; Scheme includes preventive measures, such as career guidance services within education, introducing entrepreneurship skills and creativity. Transitions to labour market are best supported by ESS, who represents the entry point for all youth included in Youth Guarantee. Slovenia has already started implementing Youth Guarantee for extended age group; 15 to 29 years old. ESS introduced specialised youth job counsellors and trained them to answer to the specific needs of this target group and use working methods to suit young population. Counsellors, young people themselves tend to understand the mentality of youth better in hence provide better service, are being trained continuously in line with the needs of the target group-especially as unemployed youth’s obstacles are now becoming increasingly complex and harder to overcome. Measures within YG are training, traineeship and employment. Sustainability of results in Slovenia is usually very good.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The YG is coordinated by the Ministry of Labour, Employment and the Social and Solidarity Economy. In 2017, Luxembourg PES has extended its service provision under the YG to young adults aged 25-29 or even above. Because the target population is very diverse, the Luxembourg YG involves several actors which collaborate.
Helping unemployed people to find a job and to adapt their qualification to specific needs of the labour market is the mission of the ADEM. The PES is closely collaborating with many training centres and non-profit organisations to improve the employability of the unemployed, especially those who are vulnerable.
Reaching and reintegrating early school leavers by contacting each early school leaver from a national school is the mission of the Vocational Education and Training (“Service de la Formation Professionnelle” - SFP) of the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth. Reaching out to young people who are in transition from school to work and reaching out to young NEETs is the mission of the Department “Transitions” of the National Youth Service (“Service National de la Jeunesse” - SNJ), which is a public administration under the authority of the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth.
Validating the education and training content of apprenticeships which offer a mix of school-based teaching and practical training is one of the missions of SFP of the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth. This is done in close collaboration with the PES.
Partners working on this policy instrument

Youth Guarantee is a mobilization and engagement programme that addresses both NEETs and Youths at risk of becoming NEETs, through two different actions. While youths at risk are assisted to avoid they drop out from school and become NEETs, those youths that are already classified as NEETs can access the NEET Activation Scheme (I and II) that that provides employment or training (NEETs) with personal/ professional training, mentoring and support, thereby facilitating their transition into education and to gainful employment for those identified as needing this extra support.
The target group of the instrument is Young people under 25 years of age and are: Unemployed or inactive and not enrolled in any education or training institution
The scheme consists of three different phases of intervention: Phase 1 ensures personalised assistance (profiling, psychological support) that is tailored to both the immediate needs of the participants and other personal issues; in Phase 2, participants can choose either: - continued education, and are given enrolment assistance into academic
and/or vocational courses in one of Malta’s accredited institutions; - work exposure, i.e. a 12-week experience in a simulated or actual place of work. Phase 3 applies on completion of the 12-week work experience, whereby employers can either directly employ participants or retain participants on for a six-month traineeship.
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