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Kaposvar Meeting: Joint Efforts to Empower Rural Youth 

By Project CASPER
People smiling on a beach

From 17th to 19th October 2023, the second CASPER Project Workshop was held in Kaposvár, Hungary. This event united experts, policymakers, and stakeholders from different corners of Europe to forge strategies for enhancing youth engagement in rural areas. 

The workshop kicked off at the historic County Hall in Kaposvár, where participants were warmly welcomed by Mr. Adrián Szajcz, Vice-President of the Somogy County Government. 

The event was attended by CASPER’s partner region of South Savo, Podlaskie, Somogy, Basilicata, and Nouvelle Aquitaine, representatives from municipalities of Sulkava and Mäntyharju (Finland), Nagyatád, Lengyeltóti, and Kastélyosdombó (Hungary), and third sector Dun Le Paleste (France). 

Watch the meeting video here.


Results from Stakeholder Workshops: Framing the Challenges 

The initial six months of the CASPER project allowed our partners and stakeholders to connect with our mission, evaluate regional challenges and identify good practices. Several common challenges identified across regions arise: 

  • How can we combat activist burnout within organisations? 

  • What strategies can effectively encourage youth to remain and prosper in their local regions? 

  • How can we address and reverse the trend of brain drain and worker emigration? 

  • In what ways can we overcome resource limitations? 

  • Is the solution to regional decline in building on traditional values or seeking entirely new directions? 

After understanding each region's unique situation, stakeholders and project partners brainstormed on solutions to retain young talent and revitalise activism in rural Europe


Dynamic Site Visits Across Somogy County 

Participants experienced first-hand learning through site visits, including: 

  • The Opportunity Home project in Nagyatád and Lengyeltóti 

  • Hungarian Interchurch Aid initiative in Kastélyosdombó 

  • Exploring wine tourism in Rádpuszta-Balatonlelle  

  • A cycling journey on the Iron Curtain Trail along the Drava River 

  • Stargazing at Zselic Starry Sky Park 

These immersive excursions facilitated knowledge transfer and collaboration between project partners, stakeholders, and local communities. 

People talking on the street
Walking tour around Nagyatád ​​​​​


Streamlined Focus on Youth Empowerment 

“It is very important to cultivate a sense of pride, integrity, and belonging in rural areas. Rural towns and villages should be nurturing environments where young people are excited to live, rather than places to escape from.”

– Jatta Juhola, project partner from South Savo Regional Council  

This semester's focus is on youth activation and participation. In Kaposvar, we learned about youth empowerment through listening to good practices from experts, and visiting several EU-funded youth support models in Somogy, centring around professional development, financial incentives, and community involvement. 


Mäntyharju, Finland: Tackling Youth Discontent 

Mäntyharju presented an innovative engagement method titled "What’s Pissing You Off?" Here, youth are invited to pizza nights to openly discuss their frustrations. This approach uses youth-friendly language and settings to ensure their concerns are acknowledged and acted upon. 


Nagyatád, Hungary: Anchoring Opportunity 

In Nagyatád, the "Opportunity and Home Creation for Young People" project aims to anchor young locals by offering eight renovated, furnished apartments to 18-35-year-olds. The project combines housing solutions with labour counselling, and addresses critical skill shortages through providing incentives for those working in engineering, IT, and social services. 

2 people dancing
Folk dancing performed by the youth in Lengyeltóti 



The CASPER Project Workshop in Kaposvár serves as a necessary platform for exchange of ideas and efforts towards policy improvement combatting rural decline. Partners left equipped with actionable solutions and innovative ideas, ready to introduce them in their subsequent local stakeholder workshops. This cycle of learning, sharing, and applying both within and across regions encapsulates the essence of both Interreg Europe and CASPER project. 

Citizen engagement
Cultural heritage
Rural heritage