Policy instruments
Discover the policy instruments that the partners of this project are tackling.
A means for public intervention. It refers to any policy, strategy, or law developed by public authorities and applied on the ground to improve a specific territorial situation. In most cases, financial resources are associated with a policy instrument. However, an instrument can also sometimes refer to a legislative framework with no specific funding. In the context of Interreg Europe, operational programmes for Investment for Growth and Jobs as well as Cooperation Programmes from European Territorial Cooperation are policy instruments. Beyond EU cohesion policy, local, regional, or national public authorities also develop their own policy instruments.
The Territorial Climate-Air-Energy Plan is an instrument which is aligned with the French Government goals, expressed through the Law on the Energy Transition for Green Growth by 2023. According to common targeted thresholds, the Mayenne county policy instrument aims at reducing GHG emissions by 40%, finale energy consumption by 20% & supplying renewable energies up to 32% of the available sources.
To match this environmental trajectory with a sought circular economy strategy, this instrument embeds several additional (sub) goals:
- Facing excessive consumptions by intervening on sectors more likely to undergo significant reductions
- Harnessing & Offsetting the carbon storage mechanisms in parallel with the local industrial expansion
- Tapping on the territorial inner raw deposits & production potential for renewable energy by generating local electricity & heat (wood, gas) or energy recovery from top industries
- Studying the perspectives of resource pooling via company interviews & identification of good practices within the framework of the CEI BOOST project and beyond to propose a relevant toolkit, encompassing a digital interface & functionalities
- Developing digital tools stemming from the local ecosystem assets whose expertise is orientated towards data & digitalisation, thanks to several laboratories & companies working for instance on energy monitoring solutions, VR technologies & AI applications
Partners working on this policy instrument

Priority Axis 1: Innovative Finland
Specific Objective 1.1: Improving research and innovation capacities and the uptake of advanced technologies
PA 2: Carbon neutral Finland
SO 2.3: Promoting the transition to a circular economy
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The overall vision of the RUS is Västerbotten to be an innovative and smart region. This is to be achieved by means of initiatives that are aimed at two objectives: 1) an innovation engine for sustainable development; 2) an innovation ecosystem with strong and inclusive innovation processes.
Under these two objectives, CEI BOOST well addresses the scope of the PI aiming at enhacing:
• innovations and investments in new production technologies and systems, circular material flows and circular production systems, and the integration of sustainability into all operations, considering environmental and climate sustainability;
• technological developments in digitalisation, data-driven innovations, artificial intelligence and automation that have knock-on effects on all parts of society, both in terms of the potential for increased efficiency, quality and opportunities, and in terms of rapid changes in the labour market, new needs for skills, and challenges concerning the law and ethics.
• social inclusion of those people that are digitally excluded due to the rapid societal and technological development and introduction of new technologies in different operations of the day-to-day life.
• creation of innovation platforms, policy labs or other methods in order to identify or test experimental ideas and business models;
• development of meeting places that contribute to more cross-sectoral collaboration, new networks or collaboration concerning development initiatives.
Partners working on this policy instrument

Policy instrument addresses National Progress Plan task 1.4 "Reorienting industry towards a climate-neutral economy ". Two issues addressed by the policy instrument – the country is dominated by polluting and resource-inefficient technologies and the preference in the production is given to the use of virgin raw materials.
The target groups under this policy instrument include SMEs; large enterprises, innovation and technology transfer hubs; organisations providing public innovation support and innovation advisory services; business associations, science and education institutions.
The activities of the measure are foreseen to be implemented throughout the territory of Lithuania.
Foreseen activities under the instrument include creating a platform for the exchange of technological know-how and solutions for industry; promoting projects to stimulate the development and/or deployment of environmentally friendly products or technologies; promoting the development, demonstration and deployment of innovative digital and environmentally friendly technologies; improving the energy efficiency of industries; and promoting the use of renewable energies in industries.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The integration of non-EU nationals, including migrants, requires a group of actions that will help this population in terms of communication, conciliation with the public, interconnection with labor market & inclusion in financial, professional registers & social insurance. A key choice for the Regional Operational Program of Central Macedonia 2021-2027 (ROP CM) is to support third-country nationals (such as refugees, asylum seekers & migrants) through an integrated approach in order to facilitate their access to labor market & to vocational training, and to promote their social integration & the provision of specialized support in the stages of the integration process.
The selected policy instrument, the ROP CM 2021-2027 and specifically the ESO4.9 “Promoting socio-economic integration of third country nationals, including migrants”, will cover all the above mentioned needs & will mainly support as core feature, several actions of projects that their main objective is the successful integration of third-country nationals in the labor market.
The main impact of the abovementioned actions will be to increase the employment of migrants & refugees, to improve their living standards & to improve their acceptance at local & regional level through their integration into the economic & social life of the region. The main target groups of the policy instrument fully inclined with the proposal are: third country nationals, refugees, asylum seekers & immigrants.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The draft Strategy aims to establish a circular economy implemented in Romania's main and secondary sectors, creating added value at the level of the top 17 European countries, on the basis of five strategic objectives and ten guidelines, including environmental protection, sustainable production and consumption, research and innovation, and the promotion of the use of common, transparent, and accessible indicators. It identifies six priority sectors: (1) construction and demolition, (2) textiles and garments, (3) tourism, (4) agriculture and forestry, (5) consumer goods and (6) industry.
It develops an action plan with short-term (e.g., circular production, water reuse and purification, waste management and prevention), medium-term (circular consumption, the use of secondary raw materials to allow for more sustainable use of natural resources), and long-term goals in mind (e.g., awareness & participation, research & innovation, competitiveness & international partnerships, employment & education).
As part of its monitoring and evaluation (M&E) framework, the draft Strategy currently proposes 16 indicators divided into four categories: (1) production and consumption, (2) waste management, (3) secondary raw materials, and (4) competitiveness and innovation.
Partners working on this policy instrument

According to the process of the deliberation over the OP of WG, improvement and addition of new directions and objectives is currently ongoing. Bsed on the first draft, one major strategic objective (S.O. 5) is “Enhancing sustainable local development through integrated interventions”. Under Policy Objective 2 “A greener, low-carbon, transition to a zero-carbon economy and a resilient Europe through the promotion of a clean and fair energy transition, green and blue investments, circular economy, adaptation to climate change, risk prevention and management and sustainable urban development” and Specific Objective 2vi “Promoting the transition to a circular and resource-efficient economy” a priority of the OP 2021-2027 is the promotion of circular economy in the region, especially with the use of innovative solutions and cutting-edge technologies.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The permanence of some dysfunctionalities and the emergence of new cohesion policy priorities (reinforced smart specialization, digitization, energy transition, circular economy, sustainable urban development, smart specialization, new skills and social inclusion and the fight against poverty), constitute the areas- intervention key of the Madeira 2030 OP objectives matrix and substantiate the programmed financing needs.
In parallel with this reality, we are witnessing the growing implementation of circular economy models, providing strict requirements for the management of the life cycle of products and their reuse or recycling, which will lead to the implementation of inter-company and inter-sector platforms and the massive use of digital technologies. In terms of Economy 4.0, in terms of Autonomous Region of Madeira, the Regional Government can assume itself as a dynamic driver of the Economy 4.0 market and digital technologies, as a customer and/or development partner.
In the Madeira 2030 OP, investments are directed towards companies, in an approach that guarantees the cross-training of the regional business fabric for the new challenges of digitalization, namely through the integration of digital technologies in companies that promotes digital skills and allows in particular in more traditional sectors, gain efficiency gains, reach new markets/market segments, as well as optimize production processes and workflows based on the use of digital technologies.
Partners working on this policy instrument

.The goals of the Mandate are: Leadership of the ecosystem for the common good; Digital transformation; Cultural and organizational development; Orientation to Services. As part of this Mandate Plan DIPTA leads the development of the Southern Catalonia Region of Knowledge Strategy, which has the goal to create, promote and support strategic alliances for innovation between the agents of the territory, the country and Europe, through public policies that boost a sustainable, cohesive and smart development of the territory. The Strategy has 3 key axis and 6 strategic lines:
Axis 1 works for a more sustainable and resilient Southern Catalonia, through two strategic lines: 1.1. Improving environmental management and promoting the energy transition, and 1.2. Promote integral connectivity and sustainable mobility.
Axis 2 works for a more competitive and innovative southern Catalonia, with two strategic lines: 2.1 Promote innovation policies and sector modernization and digitalization, and 2.2 Setting up a talent platform for business, competitiveness, and exterior projection.
Axis 3 works for a more cohesive and networked southern Catalonia, with two strategic lines: 3.1 Update the territorial vertebration and balance policies and 3.2. Improving the quality of life and social cohesion.
The promotion and digitalization and circular economy are therefore embedded in this policy instrument.
Partners working on this policy instrument

West Regional Operational Programme 2021-2027 (West ROP 2021-2027) has a total allocation of: 1.178,9 MEUR (draft allocation, West ROP 2021-2027 is still in negotiation with EC).
Starting with the 2021-2027 programming period, at the level of the 8 development regions of Romania, the Agencies for Regional Development fulfil the function of Managing Authorities for the Regional Operational Programs.
The elaboration of the Regional Operational Program 2021-2027 - West Region involves its correlation with both existing planning documents at regional level and existing regulations at European level, the proposed investments will be focused on the 5 main policy objectives (PO) of the European Commission:
• A smarter Europe (an innovative and smart economic transformation) - at least 25%;
• A greener, carbon-free Europe - at least 30%;
• A more connected Europe (regional ICT mobility and connectivity);
• A more social Europe (implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights);
• A Europe closer to its citizens (sustainable and integrated development of urban, rural and coastal areas through local initiatives) - minimum 8%
The first priority envisaged fall under the first program objective: A smarter Europe. Therefore the focus of this project is the priority: A more competitive region by innovation, digitalization and dynamic enterprises;
Partners working on this policy instrument