Policy instruments
Discover the policy instruments that the partners of this project are tackling.
A means for public intervention. It refers to any policy, strategy, or law developed by public authorities and applied on the ground to improve a specific territorial situation. In most cases, financial resources are associated with a policy instrument. However, an instrument can also sometimes refer to a legislative framework with no specific funding. In the context of Interreg Europe, operational programmes for Investment for Growth and Jobs as well as Cooperation Programmes from European Territorial Cooperation are policy instruments. Beyond EU cohesion policy, local, regional, or national public authorities also develop their own policy instruments.
RP Lombardia ERDF 2021-2027- Support for accelerating the digital transformation process of public services provided by the Public Administration
The support for accelerating the digital transformation process of services concerns the strengthening of the digital capacity of the regional public administration and local authorities and the relative virtual interactions with the territory, with a view to simplifying and making processes more efficient, guaranteeing quality, timeliness and transparency of the service, to favor the inclusion of the most fragile subjects and territories and to consolidate a data-driven approach to the policy decision-making system, through models capable of providing structured data and information and to identify development trends. In the context of Lombardy's cultural heritage, it is intended to implement digitization actions in line with the objectives of the recommendation relating to a common European data space (C(2021) 7953 of 10.11.2021).
Partners working on this policy instrument

The policy instrument, aligned with EU's priorities, is structured in 5 strategic objectives, one is directly concerned with the topic's call: a more competitive and intelligent Region, investing in innovation, digitalization, competitiveness of companies, skills for intelligent specialization and entrepreneurship. There are 2 more strategic objectives connected with the cultural dimension: a more inclusive Region through implementing the European Pillar of Social Rights and a Region closer to citizens by fostering the local development.The focus of digitalisation is on the need to reinforce the broadband digital infrastructure component (RSO1.5) and to modernize the public administration in the territory (RSO1.2), promoting its capacity to respond effectively to the needs of citizens/companies, removing territorial asymmetries in access to these services and enhancing the sharing of information between services and the digital interaction between the administration and citizens/companies. In terms of social inclusion through culture, the policy instrument foresees interventions in heritage to preserve our heritage but also promoting its digitalization (RSO4.6). Having the goal of an integrated local development implies the promotion of culture and heritage and, with that rationale, the policy instrument envisages this through the investment in territorial assets, mainly culture and heritage, to valorize the role of culture in the cohesion and territorial development (RSO5.1)
Partners working on this policy instrument

The most relevant document addressing the priorities regarding cultural heritage revitalization and its adaptation to the new context is Iasi Integrated Strategy for Sustainable Urban Development 2015-2030, Objective 4, ”Iasi living heritage” , O4.1. Restauration – revalorization heritage buildings and O4.2. Metropolitan active life through the cultural offer adapted to different categories of public, including the digital generation. It will be also tackled the Objective 7 – “International Iasi through territorial cooperation in the frame of European or international networks” aiming the exchange of experience and the internationalization of local heritage. The strategy enhances the role of heritage in cultural life of the city, creating a stronger connection between heritage – creative industries and events – inhabitants, youth, students, artists, tourists and digital nomads.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The strategic priorities and policy objectives include:
• To guarantee the quality of the artistic and cultural public service on the territory in order to promote the wellbeing and fulfilment of the inhabitants
• To make Grand Poitiers a “resource centre” in order to facilitate the emergence of artistic and cultural projects on the territory, as well as to strengthen the key role of community and cultural equipments over the territory
• To reveal the wealth of the territory through a welcoming and convivial approach in order to strengthen the social fabric, as well as contribute to the influence and outreach of Grand Poitiers
• To renew the dialogue with the citizens, towns and associations in order to strengthen the sense of belonging to Grand Poitiers
• To showcase key cultural heritage landmarks in order to further develop a tourism offer that is quality-focused
• To rekindle dialogue with all stakeholders and partners in order to promote the development of key tourism projects on the territory
• To place the “environment” at the heart of all actions in order to develop a responsible and sustainable tourism industry
To increase the impact of its policies, GP has grasped the importance of enhancing territorial cooperation to the fullest, while engaging in open dialogue with other local authorities. Finally, to become a "Game Capital", GP will support the creation of a dedicated facility driven by local partners with a view to developing a territorial game ecosystem.
Partners working on this policy instrument

The goal of the Digital and data strategy, approved in 2021, is to develop Turku to be the most modernly lead municipality in the world in all it's services. It empazises that the city's services are developed in a customer-oriented manner. Policy's content is divided into six chapters, of which two are focusing on the subject itself.
- Chapter 4: Utilizing and using data
- Chapter 5: Data management and operational models
Under these are addressed issues such as digitalization (obj. 4.4.), skills needed (obj. 5.2.) and dataculture (obj. 5.6).
In general the aim is that all processes and customer service functions in Turku Municipality are automated, thus reducing the need for transactions and on the same time experts' working time is saved. Artificial intelligence and robotics are seen as key enablers. The goal is to build services that are easy to use and find.
Partners working on this policy instrument