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360 Grand Est - Accelerating gender diversity in tech

The speakers of the event (6 women) in a row with a DEBUTING poster in the back.

360 Grand Est is the largest regional event in Grand Est region, France, dedicated to innovation, especially focusing in the ongoing transformations in digital, environmental, industrial and health sectors. This year the event brought together almost 4,500 people.

Part of the 360 Grand Est event, held June 23rd in Strasbourg, was focused in inspiring and business women, especially in the tech and digital industries. The main topics included attracting more women to the digital professions, retraining, banishing stereotypes, encouraging a mix of professions and boosting entrepreneurship for women - aiming to accelerate gender diversity in tech and digital industries and discover new hidden talents.

The event also gave a great opportunity to share information on DEBUTING project that also aims to accelerate inclusion and diversity in companies for example through promotion actions and public policy commitment. Also, the majority of the women presenting at the event represent DEBUTING stakeholders: Sylvie d'Alguerrre - Regional Councillor responsible for equality in Grand Est Region, Alina Holcroft - Valuer and auditor in artificial intelligence and quantum technologies Founder EthiQAIS, Catherine Philibert - Le Clan Digital Co-founder and Co-Manager for Femmes du numérique in Grand Est region, Caroline Porot- Director of 42 Mulhouse Grand Est, Johanna Rivière - Consultant and Facilitator in resource management and human relations Co-Manager in Femmes du numérique in Grand Est and Isabelle Schultz Kuhn – Deputy Managing Director for Grand E-Nov+.

Digital innovation
Digital technology