Advancing Gender Equality in RSG meeting in Cluj-Napoca

The year 2024 continues to mark significant strides in promoting gender equality in Romania, as evidenced in the 3rd DEBUTING regional stakeholder group meeting held in Cluj-Napoca.
Organized at the new cluster-infrastructure Furniture Centre of Excellence, by the North-West Regional Development Agency in collaboration with the host-stakeholder Transylvanian Furniture Cluster, this meeting brought together 17 participants from the North-West Region of Romania, with a strong presence from cluster organizations and businesswomen associations.
During the meeting, relevant good practices collected during the first part of 2024 from interregional meetings organized by project partners from Germany, Spain and Poland, were presented. These practices were shared by direct participant LSG members from the Transylvanian Furniture and Transilvania IT Cluster, along with the North-West RDA participants.
Participants also celebrated the promotion of the 1st Romanian best practice published on the Interreg Europe Portal – The Women Entrepreneur Programme and welcomed the new Moldavian partner in the DEBUTING consortium, expressing the wish to participate in the next meeting hosted in autumn by the Ungheni Municipality.
An interactive segment of the meeting featured a practical activity known as the Privilege Walk, facilitated by the external expert of the North-West RDA. This exercise highlighted issues of privilege and equality among participants, considering their roles and personal contexts, prompting reflective and thought-provoking discussions and debates.
The meeting concluded with an overview of the next project activities, including identification and promotion of other gender equality and cluster-related best practices, planning of the next workshops, and interregional visits. As the project progresses, the upcoming meetings aim to significantly enhance collaborative endeavours toward advancing gender equality across borders.